Tomatotech90 / Gitbook

Security Gitbook

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

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What's this?

This is just a compilation of notes and knowledge I gained from scouring the Internet, self-practicing, going for courses, interning and learning from college. Also serves as a small portfolio for me.

Basic Knowledge

I wrote these when starting my journey in Infosec. It covers stuff that is more beginner-friendly to intermediate level.


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Networking Knowledge:

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Web Vulnerabilities:

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Buffer Overflows:

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Active Directory & Kerberos:

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Here's the writeups to machines I've done on HTB or PGP (which I'm still finding the time to actually write out), and it is the main bulk of content here. Nowadays, I don't do as many boxes as I did in the past, but I will still do some machines because its fun to me. Also, I will try my best to take part in the new HTB Season thing.


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Proving Grounds Practice:

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Scams / Malware

Sometimes I receive some form of phishing emails, or I find malware that's being distributed on the web. I like to delve into them too, just to see how they work and how the threat actors model the scam. If there's malware, I try to reverse engineer it too.

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Some of the stuff I've picked up from interning with red / pentesting teams, as well as my own research and courses done. A bit more technical and less friendly, but still the same fun.

Defence Evasion:

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Red Teaming and Emulation:

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This book will be updated as frequently as I can while juggling school work, and it is not meant to be a high-maintenance project.


I do not claim to be the most correct, the best, or even remotely good at security and/or pentesting. I'm just a guy that is really into security and wants to learn as much as possible.

I do not condone any illegal activity done using any methods in this notebook. All of the concepts listed here are for educational purposes only. What you decide to do with these skills is on you (basically, you can't sue me).

If I wrote anything wrongly or inaccurately, please do let me know or submit a PR!


Security Gitbook