TomaszWaszczyk / shortcuts-productivity-hacks

In my way to become mouseless engineer.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

sudo cpupower frequency-set -g performance

sudo psensor

watch sensors

cat /sys/kernel/notes | xxd

Book: "tmux: Productive Mouse-Free Development"

Explain Shell

smartmontools - check disk

IDEA Intellij


!! CTRL + K + F - format code according Prettier's rules

ALT + 7 - file structure

ALT + 9 - local changes

CTRL + T - update project

ALT + C - commit changes

CTRL + G - go to line

ALT + F12 - terminal


CTRL + 1 - project structure

CTRL + D - duplicate line

ALT + INSERT - getters/setters

SHIFT + F6 - refactor variable name


ALT + F7 - find usages

CTRL + SHIFT + ALT + L - reformat code

PyCharm (PEP8 - best practices in Python)

File | Settings | Editor | Font for Windows and Linux ... (Zoom) with Ctrl + Mouse Wheel - mouse wheel zoom

Ctrl + Shift + F10 - run current file

Visual Studio Code

CTRL + K + F - format code according formatter or CTRL + SHIFT + P and type "Format with.."

code . _ - open VSC in current directory

CTRL + SHIFT + I - reformat code

Alt + Up Arrow - move line up/down

CTRL + X - delete a line

CTRL + D - find reference of variable

CTRL + SHIFT + P then >Eslint: Fix all auto-fixable Problems => CTRL + ALT + N

ext install CoenraadS.bracket-pair-colorizer-2

CTRL + SHIFT + B - Gulp's builds

CTRL + SHIFT + V- preview of *.md file while editing

ext install esbenp.prettier-vscode

ext install cmstead.jsrefactor

ext install xabikos.JavaScriptSnippets

ext install PKief.material-icon-theme

ext install Equinusocio.vsc-material-theme

ext install cssho.vscode-svgviewer

SHIFT + CTRL + P + "Developer: Toggle Screencast mode"

Ctrl+K Ctrl+T - switch theme

Hide JS files using TypeScript: File –> Preferences –> Settings -> Files: Exclude add:


**/*.js”: {“when”: “$(basename).ts

code --list-extensions | xargs -L 1 echo code --install-extension - list of extensions

ALT - show/hide menu bar

F11 - show/hide title bar

SHIFT + ALT - select text vertically

Writing mode:

DevTools - Google Chrome

CTRL + SHIFT + M - mobile/responsive view

CTRL + SHIFT + P - in Chrome DevTools, go to any tab like: "Show changes in" or "Performance monitor"

W incognito nie ma cacheu ani profilu

Chrome DevTools -> SHIFT x 6

Request blocking in DevTools

DevTools Rendering Paint flashing!

chrome://flags/ -> experiments -> enabled



git config --global "pull --rebase"

git config --global credential.helper store - global storage for Git's credentials

git branch

git branch -d local_branch

git checkout -b name_of_just_created_branch - create and change branch

git clean -d -f -x - deletes files listed in .gitignore and such. E.g. workspaces that don't belong in git, Pods folder, etc.

WARNING The command as written above will remove EVERY >UNTRACKED< FILE AND DIRECTORY WITHIN YOUR GIT ROOT, not just "files listed in .gitignore". Anything that is not being tracked by Git, regardless of whether or not it is listed in .gitignore will be wiped. git clean -dfX (note the case on the X) will only remove items which have an applicable rule in .gitignore. Please heed this warning: Never run git clean without either running it in interactive mode, with -i instead of -f, or at least doing a dry run first — -n and then again with -f

Bash completion: sudo apt-get install git bash-completion

git add -A - stages all changes

git add . - stages new files and modifications, without deletions

git add -u - stages modifications and deletions, without new files

git stash clear - delete all stashes

git stash drop <stash_id> - delete given stash

git push --delete origin dev - delete remote dev branch as well

git reflog - prints a complete list of previous operations. Latest operation will be at top

git commit --amend - change name of commit

git branch -m relaese release - change branch name

git reset /assets/img/unknown.jpg - delete wrong added file in the repository

git reset --soft HEAD~1 - delete last local commit

git reset /assets/img/unknown.jpg

rm /assets/img/unknown.jpg

git commit - delete wrong added file in the repository - Git's addons

git pull origin master --rebase - rebase from origin master

git reset --hard origin/master - delete local commits on master

git commit --allow-empty -m "Trigger notification" - empty commit

git reset HEAD -- <file> - If you need to remove a single file from the staging area

git reset HEAD -- <directoryName> - If you need to remove a whole directory (folder) from the staging area

git submodule update - update Git modules

git bisect <subcommand> <options> - binary search

git branch | grep -v '^*' | xargs git branch -D - delete all local branches except master branch (does not matter whether merged or not)

git branch --merged | grep -v '^*' | xargs git branch -D - delete branches which are merged

git config --global rerere.enabled true

git push origin --delete remoteBranchName - delete branch remotely


ssh -T

git clone

git remote set-url origin

t - activates the file finder 🚀

CTRL + K - show options on Github page


sudo ss -lptn 'sport = :8080' or netstat -puttana | grep PORT - find the PID of a process using a particular port

journalctl -p err..alert - show errors in the system

journalctl -u <SERVICE_NAME> --since "1 hour ago" - show logs from SERVICE_NAME service

You should use option -m to create the home dir when doing useradd

Super + ←/→ - split window to half of screen

sudo lsof -i:22 - see a specific port such as 22

sudo journalctl -xe | tail -25 - journal of Linux, logs from a system

CTRL + U - delete command in terminal

CTRL + H - show/hide files/directories in files expolorer

$ du -hs <directory> - size of directory

$ which <application> - check location of application

ALT + F10 - maximize window

Shift+F2 - To split the current windows into horizontal splits.

Ctrl+F2 - To split the panes into vertical.

Shift+F11 - To Zoom the windows and back again.

Alt+F11 - To split a pane in a new window.

Shift+Alt+[←↑→↓] - Change size of spits in terminal.

F9 -> Configuration

history - terminal history, example usage: history | grep export or history 100

df -ah - disk usage or df -h

du -sh <directory> - disk usage of given directory

netstat -tulpn - open ports

sudo netstat -tulpn | grep LISTEN

sudo apt-get install indicator-cpufreq

gsettings set click-action 'minimize' - enable minimizing

sudo snap install communitheme

sudo apt install bleachbit

openssl rand -base64 18 - generate random string (18 is length)

curl - weather from console

sudo apt install resolvconf - permanent change of resolv.conf in Ubuntu 18.04+

pulseaudio -k - restart PulseAudio (sound) or alsactl restore

Set AutoEnable = false in gedit /etc/bluetooth/main.conf - disable bluetooth by default OR sudo systemctl disable bluetooth.service

CTRL + ALT + F1 and then F7 to get back - restore windows on external display after unplug monitors

ALT + F7 - Move the current window

Super + Arrow keys - Snap windows

pushd and popd - navigation in CLI, really cool!

toilet -f smbraille --filter border:gay Example text! - show text in console

dig mx - check MX for a domain

stress --cpu 99 --vm 4 --vm-bytes 1024M - make stress..

cryptsetup luksAddKey [/zaszyfrowana_partycja] - zmienia hasło na szyfrowanej partycji

cryptsetup luksHeaderBackup --header-backup-file $PWD/$HOSTNAME-header.backup /dev/[partycja_szyfrowana] - tworzy kopię zapasową nagłówka zaszyfrowanej partycji

printenv - show all environment variables

time - example: time mc or time yarn run start - measure time of command

netstat -natp - look at TCP connections

apropos <command> - explainer of a command

gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface text-scaling-factor 1.01 - probably working command to set font size in top bar

Setup Terminator:

Open Terminator Right click -> Preferences In the Layouts tab (to the right of the Profiles tab), edit the default one, you will see that it says Window | window0 and Terminal | child1. For the Terminal | child1, you can set: a Profile (to choose from the installed ones), a Default command, and a Working directory. Set it/them to whatever you like, close, reopen again... ... and voilá!

systemd-analyze - analyze of Linux startup (result could be ploted)

sudo lsof -i -P -n - check ports


export $(cat .env | xargs) - export env variables

apt autoremove --purge raspi-firmware - remove package

etc - et-si

Linux logging and monitoring

btop - better htop

journalctl -f - follow logs

journalctl --list-boots - list of boots

tail -f location_of_log_file - follow the tail of a file

tail -f log_file | grep search_term - combine the tail and grep

tail -f log_file | grep -C 3 search_term - see the lines matching the search term along with 3 lines before and after it. This will give a better perspective on what's happening

tail -f log_file | grep -C 3 -i - E 'search_term_1|search_term_2' - grep on multiple search term and even make it a case insensitive search

tail --follow=name log_file | grep -C 3 -i - E 'search_term_1|search_term_2' - tailing the file with log rotation, follow a log file by its name, this way, even when log rotation takes place, the tail will be pointing to the current log file (because its name never changes)

tail -f log_file_1 -f log_file_2 - watching multiple log files with tail

multitail log_file_1 log_file_2 - provide several files to it but I think more than 3 files would be difficult to follow at a time

multitail -s 2 log_file_1 log_file_2 - split the views in columns

less +F log_file - the option +F allows less to follow the changes made to a text file

Killing process

kill -15 is to gracefully kill a process. But, killing a process is something that happens instantaneously. So the program above is going to check for pid, attempting to kill it gracefully .. If the kill -15 fails -- The kill -9 is performed. The way it knows that kill -15 failed, is the grep command. If kill -15 was successful, that pid should not exist any longer, making the following grep return empty.

So really, kill -9 only runs if kill -15 failed to gracefully stop the program. The problem with this approach, is that sometimes gracefully stopping a process can take some time depending on the program. So IMHO there needs to be a wait period or a sleep for a few seconds to allow kill -15 to attempt to gracefully stop the process .. Most assuredly with the approach above, kill -9 is almost always invoked since the script doesn't allow much time for the process to be shut down properly. In the event that kill -15 is still processing, kill -9 will just override and instantly stop the process.

kill -9 - morduj

kill -15 - zamknij się grzecznie drogi procesie (-;


sudo !! - execute with sudo last command

less +F - show nicely logs starting from last entries

One of biggest productivity boosters was setting up: You should look into it. It gives you ability to press: CTRL+D - fuzzy find any directory on your system and jump to it, CTRL+R - fuzzy find any previous command you typed and use it CTRL+F - fuzzy find any file on filesystem

I've edited some shortcuts, but this is my setup. Fuzzy commands you can type can be:

home Projects .py$ !virtualenv Which would search for all files ending with .py in with paths containing home and Projects and not containing virtualenv,

In order to get better speed boost, replace find command they use with fd (

CTRL + r - reverse searches through command history

CTRL + s - reverse searches through command history (search forward)

CTRL + u - clean written text/command

Linux logs tracing

tac - reverse reading text file

dmesg | less - show logs (/var/log/*)

tail -f /var/log/syslog - show current logs or tail -f -n 5 /var/log/syslog

more, grep, head, cat, multitail

Write to file

          || visible in terminal ||   visible in file   || existing
  Syntax  ||  StdOut  |  StdErr  ||  StdOut  |  StdErr  ||   file   
    >     ||    no    |   yes    ||   yes    |    no    || overwrite
    >>    ||    no    |   yes    ||   yes    |    no    ||  append
          ||          |          ||          |          ||
   2>     ||   yes    |    no    ||    no    |   yes    || overwrite
   2>>    ||   yes    |    no    ||    no    |   yes    ||  append
          ||          |          ||          |          ||
   &>     ||    no    |    no    ||   yes    |   yes    || overwrite
   &>>    ||    no    |    no    ||   yes    |   yes    ||  append
          ||          |          ||          |          ||
 | tee    ||   yes    |   yes    ||   yes    |    no    || overwrite
 | tee -a ||   yes    |   yes    ||   yes    |    no    ||  append
          ||          |          ||          |          ||
 n.e. (*) ||   yes    |   yes    ||    no    |   yes    || overwrite
 n.e. (*) ||   yes    |   yes    ||    no    |   yes    ||  append
          ||          |          ||          |          ||
|& tee    ||   yes    |   yes    ||   yes    |   yes    || overwrite
|& tee -a ||   yes    |   yes    ||   yes    |   yes    ||  append

Linux as screen cast OS

This is how sound works on Linux: App > Pulse Audio > ALSA > actual soundcard

  • Apps can do their own audio processing, although it's uncommon.
  • Pulse certainly does its own audio processings.
  • The later can also be said about ALSA.

So, changing Pulse Audio sample format and sample rate is just the FIRST step to be taken. You have to properly set up ALSA.

Now, I can't tell you how to do that. Not a single recent Ubuntu release allows you to change ALSA settings via configuration files. Apparently, ALSA will always resample everything to 48KHz/16bit and you're stuck to it. I must remind you that ALSA mixing and resampling algorithms are of very, very, low quality, similar to XP's KMixer.

That means: until someone makes it possible to change ALSA sample format and sample frequency on recent (2012/2013) Ubuntu distros, as you can change Pulse's, audio on Linux just SUCKS like hell!

Also, don't set sample rate to "maximum option available", that will do audio resampling and you don't want that! Set sampling rate according to what you hear. If a CD audio: 44.1KHz. If DVD: 48KHz. Bit depth instead should always be the highest available, whereas 24bit seems to be the highest the best cards can handle.

  1. Remove noise from recording

sudo nano /etc/pulse/ and uncomment following line: load-module module-echo-cancel and restart

pulseaudio -k pulseaudio --start

  1. Make better sound quality

The default sample rate is defined in the pulseaudio daemon.conf located in /etc/pulse, or in case you need user-defined settings in ~/.pulse. Uncomment and edit the follwing line there

default-sample-rate = 48000

  1. Davinci Resolve ( ||

ffprobe <example.mp4> - checking codecs of a file

Screen (corkscrew ssh tunnel)

Żeby uruchomic tunel w screenie należy wpisać: screen i teraz znajduje sie w konsoli i uruchamiam co chce, aby wyjsc z konsoli wpiszemy: CTRL + A + D

screen -list - list of running screens

screen -r <NUMBER PID> - go to given screen

screen -X -S [session # you want to kill] - quit

CTRL + A + D - wyjscie ze screena po odpaleniu tunela

wget -q0 - | sudo bash && pulseaudio -k

# Microphone Realtime background noise reduction script
# author Luigi Maselli - licence: AS-IS
# credits:
# run as: sudo && pulseaudio -k

sudo cp /etc/pulse/ /etc/pulse/
sudo cat <<EOT >> /etc/pulse/
load-module module-echo-cancel source_name=noechosource sink_name=noechosink
set-default-source noechosource
set-default-sink noechosink

Console and similar


CTRL + B then , - rename of a tab

CTRL + B then C - create a tab

CTRL + B then [0 - 9] - select a tab

CTRL + B then % - split vertically

CTRL + B then " - split horizontally

CTRL + B then [right, left, up, down] - switch terminals

Known issues

Links and security

ps -e | grep X - check Xorg or XWayland



  • Kill application under given port
  1. sudo netstat -plnt

  2. kill -9 <PID>



Set relative position

  1. xsetwacom --list devices

Then use that ID to set the Mode to Relative for your stylus:

  1. xsetwacom --set $STYLUS_ID Mode "Relative"

And here's a one-liner that does all that for you:

STYLUS_ID=$(xinput list | grep Wacom | grep stylus | sed -e 's/.*id=\([0-9]\+\).*/\1/g') && xsetwacom --set $STYLUS_ID Mode "Relative"

Get all parameters

xsetwacom --get 20 all

New Linux installation

  1. Firefox - disable title bar (Firefox -> Customie -> Bottom Left "Title bar" -> uncheck)

  2. gsettings set org.gnome.settings-daemon.peripherals.touchscreen orientation-lock true - lock rotation of a screen

  3. Night light -> ON

  4. Install Visual Studio Code (as Debian package)

  5. Hide Ubuntu's top bar (Ubuntu Software and find: Hide top bar)

  6. sudo apt install curl

  7. sudo apt-get install exfat-fuse exfat-utils - Reading SD Card etc.

git config --global ""

git config --global "Tomasz Waszczyk"

  1. Add appropriate entires to ~/.config/user-dirs.dirs

  2. sudo apt install peek - GIF creation

  3. gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.calendar show-weekdate true - show number of week in calendar

  4. sudo apt update

sudo apt install gnome-tweak-tool

  1. wget -qO- | bash - install nvm

  2. Create aliases to ~/.bashrc

alias clr='clear'

alias work='cd ~/workspaces/'

alias gc='git commit -m ""'

alias gs='git status'

alias gf='git fetch origin'

alias gpull='git pull'

alias gpush='git push'

  1. sudo apt-get install openvpn

  2. Setup in all browsers: When you leave web browser Continue where you left off to save opened tabs.

  3. npm install -g eslint for VSCode

  4. ext install waderyan.gitblame - GitBlame for VSCode

  5. Increase buffer for terminals.

  6. sudo apt install htop

  7. npm i -g yarn

  8. Replace/put VSCode's snippets - ./vscode/javascript.json to ~/.config/Code/User/snippets

  9. [OPTIONAL] Flameshot - Fast screenshot - SHIFT + PRT SCR

  10. [OPTIONAL] Shotcut - Video editor

  11. Themes:

  12. [OPTIONAL] Install TLP - Power management tool for Linux (sudo powertop --calibrate)

  13. [OPTIONAL] Byobu - multiterminal - (alternative to Terminator)

  14. [OPTIONAL]

  15. Install BleachBit

  16. [OPTIONAL]

  17. Creation of "workspaces" directory and pin it to File Manager by swiping

  18. [OPTIONAL]

  19. [OPTIONAL] sudo apt-get install git-ftp - integration between Git and FTP

  20. [OPTIONAL] Krita

  21. [OPTIONAL] sudo apt-get install xpad - Sticky Notes

  22. [OPTIONAL] Install MellowPlayer

  23. [OPTIONAL] git config --global credential.helper store - global storage for Git's credentials

  24. [OPTIONAL] Install Kodi Media Server

  25. [OPTIONCAL] Install ClamTK - antivirus for Linux

  26. sudo apt install ufw and turn on a firewall - sudo ufw enable (firewalld)

  27. npm completion >> ~/.bashrc or npm completion >> ~/.zshrc - autocompletion for npm in console #cool

  28. [OPTIONAL] Install TightVNC || Ultra VNC || Real VNC - || DWService

  29. Configure zsh console:

  30. [OPTIONAL] Install lazygit:

  31. [OPTIONAL] Install ASCIICinema:

  32. [OPTIONAL] Install Mailspring

  33. [OPTIONAL] Install

  34. [OPTIONAL] recordMyDesktop

  35. [OPTIONAL]

  36. Comparing two files: sudo apt install meld

  37. [OPTIONAL] - gif recording

  38. [OPTIONAL]


  40. [OPTIONAL]

  41. [OPTIONAL] Install CopyQ || Diodon

  42. - hide top bar

  43. (



  46. [Podcast and sound] ||

  47. ULauncher

  48. [OPTIONAL] Kdenlive

  49. [OPTIONAL] sudo apt install indicator-multiload - CPU indicator bar

  50. sudo apt install bash-completion - auto completation in Terminal

  51. [OPTIONAL]

  52. [Ubuntu] Ustaw automatyczne usuwanie plików tymczasowych

  53. gsettings set click-action 'minimize'

  54. Try disabling automatically switching (set default audio playback device) to hot-plugged audio devices by editing /etc/pulse/

  55. [MINT XFCE] Enable tap in touchapd:

sudo gedit /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/50-synaptics.conf and then:

Section "InputClass" Identifier "touchpad catchall" Driver "synaptics" MatchIsTouchpad "on" Option "TapButton1" "1" Option "VertEdgeScroll" "1" EndSection


  2. exa

### Use hot-plugged devices like Bluetooth or USB automatically (LP: #1702794)
load-module module-switch-on-connect

and comment it out the section to disable loading the module.

### Use hot-plugged devices like Bluetooth or USB automatically (LP: #1702794)
#load-module module-switch-on-connect
  1. Configure scroll wheel in Firefox: about:config and look for mousewheel.min_line_scroll_amount

  2. [OPTIONAL] - VFX and Motion Graphics

  3. Rapid Photo Downloader -

  4. Draw on screen: sudo apt install gromit-mpx

  5. Conky

  6. sudo apt install fonts-crosextra-carlito fonts-crosextra-caladea

  7. The contrib and non-free repos have many useful packages that can’t be found in Debian’s default repositories.

  8. sudo apt install nala

  9. ui.key.menuAccessKeyFocuses = false in Firefox

  10. MyPaint

  11. export PROMPT_DIRTRIM=1 in .bashrc


ps -auxwf


Hold SHIFT - GRUB menu

apt install isenkram && isenkram-autoinstall-firmware - try to download all missing firmware

Clear OS

  1. Deleting contents of ~/.local/share/Trash/expunged
  2. sudo journalctl --vacuum-size=50M - set buffer for systemd or you can set this in /etc/systemd/journald.conf like so:

journalctl --disk-usage - check size of logs


systemctl list-unit-files --type service - list of services

systemctl enable kusama-validator.service - enable service

systemctl start/stop/status kusama-validator.service - start/stop service or check status

journalctl -f -u bitcountry-validator.service - see logs

sockstat | grep 30333 and sockstat | grep 30333 | wc -w - show and calculate connections on given port




sudo systemctl restart lightdm


avn setup - check versions

npm check - check versions

npm ls -g --depth 0 - globally installed modules

npm install -g snyk then snyk monitor - check security

npm config set loglevel http - change log level

npm config list

npm ls --depth 0

npm prune

npm version patch/minor/major

npm t === npm test

nvm alias default 12 - set default version

Monitoring and profiling

Issues with Rust commpilation: ~lack of memory || thermald || lm-sensors


sudo docker info - status

sudo docker images -a - list of all images

sudo docker ps -a - list of all containers

sudo docker stop <CONTAINER_ID> - stop container

docker ps --filter status=running - list only running containers

docker ps - status of running (and uptime) of containers

sudo docker rmi <ID> - delete image

docker system prune - remove unused data

docker system df - amount of disk space used by the docker daemon

docker attach --sig-proxy=false <your_container_name> - if you are attached to a container and press Ctrl+C, it would not impact in the process of the container, it would impact just in your console.

docker build -t smoke-tests . - build Docker image with given name

sudo docker system prune -af - clean

docker network create - creation on network interface

docker logs --tail 50 --follow --timestamps #put-image-name - see what is wrong inside image

docker cp <containerId>:/file/path/within/container /host/path/target - coping data from container to host

docker exec -ti #id bash - running with bash shell

docker volume ls - show all volumes

docker volume inspect my-volume - inspect Docker's volume


docker stop $(docker ps -q)
docker rm $(docker ps -aq)
docker images purge
docker rmi $(docker images -a -q)
docker volume rm $(docker volume ls -q)
docker network prune
docker image prune -a
docker system prune -a --volumes


mosquitto_sub -h -t x - subscribe to topic x


Check open ports:



Tools, recording and presentation

Settings for OBS:

Bitrate: ~25000
Mic: -11.0dB
x264 - CPU nVECx

rozdzielczść 1080p30
bitrate video 6000kbs
bitrate audio 192kbs
właczona sprzętowa akceleracja NVENC! (trzeba mieć kartą graficzną Nvidia - bez niej za bardzo stream obciąży procesor) + SUPER + ALT + D


Backup of Github account


Flushing the DNS

As This Issue Occurs because of DNS, We will first try to Flush the DNS and see if this helps, Follow these steps:

Step 1: Press Windows Key + R to open up Run dialogue box

Step 2: Type in CMD and press enter to Open up Command Prompt (Alternativele to to Open Command Prompt you Can Press Windows key + X and click on Command Prompt Admin)

Step 3: You will see Command prompt is now open, Now Simply Type the Below Highlighted Command as it is and press enter.

netsh winsock reset catalog

Step 4: Once the Above Command is Executed, Now Reboot your PC if you want or try to open the same web page what was showing you the error. There should not be any issue now.



Linux distros

Kung Fu commands


cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu*/cpuidle/state*/name

ps -ef

ss -t


In my way to become mouseless engineer.


Language:Shell 97.8%Language:CSS 2.2%