TomaszG / tech-challenge-qa

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Pento QA Tech Challenge - Time tracker

Hi đź‘‹

Thanks for taking the time to do our QA tech challenge.

The challenge includes a set of tasks which cover discovering bugs in the time tracker app, writing tests to cover the bugs found and writing the acceptance criteria and test strategy for a new features (described below).

The time tracker app is a simple app for tracking time spent on work for freelancers. You can start a new time tracking session, name it and save it. You can also view all past sessions.

Note that the app is a beta version on purpose.


  • Find as many bugs as you can in the time tracker app and report them;
  • Define and document the acceptance criteria and testing strategy for the features described below:
    • We want to allow users to edit and delete existing sessions. Regarding the editing functionality they should be able to change an existing session name and duration.
    • We want to allow users to search for sessions in the list. They should be able to search by name or duration.
  • Write end-to-end tests for all the bugs previously discovered, list and explain them;
  • Write tests for the API endpoints (feel free to pick any tool/framework for this);
  • Bonus points if you manage to enhance tests with some reporting capabilities;
  • Configure a github actions pipeline to run the tests;
  • Can you think of any non-functional tests with which you could enhance the automation coverage? If so, describe them (and document it). Bonus points if you manage to implement something;

Documenting your submission

To write down everything related to the tasks listed above: report bugs, list and explain tests, etc. Please use the file. You can use the same file to explain any other aspects or decisions related to this challenge that you find necessary.

Code structure

The app is split into an API and a client.


The client is built using React and Redux. It consists of 2 pages - NewSession and Sessions that are in the containers directory and are directly connected to the Redux store. Any components in the components directory are not directly connected to either store or actions.


The API is a simple Express app, that uses dependency injection to make it easy to swap out implementations of different interfaces. As it is currently a simple CRUD app, it follows a simple flow from routes -> stores -> db and back.

Getting started

Before getting started you will need Docker, Docker Compose and Node on your system.

  • Clone this repo to your local machine
  • Go to the client directory and run npm install
  • Go to the api directory and run npm install
  • Go to the root directory and run docker-compose up

This starts both the client and the server with automatic reloading when saving.



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