TomHarrop / tools-iuc

Tool Shed repositories maintained by the Intergalactic Utilities Commission

Home Page:

Repository from Github https://github.comTomHarrop/tools-iucRepository from Github https://github.comTomHarrop/tools-iuc

Galaxy Tool Linting and Tests for push and PR Weekly global Tool Linting and Tests Gitter

Galaxy Tools maintained by IUC

This repo contains a subset of Galaxy repositories used in the Tool Shed (

These repositories are maintained and developed by the Intergalactic Utilities Commission (Github Org)

Pull Requests with dependencies specified as conda-package will be automatically tested and verified using planemo. If the tests pass and the pull request is merged, the tool will be automatically uploaded to the Test- and Main Tool Shed.

Other repositories with Galaxy tools:


Tool Shed repositories maintained by the Intergalactic Utilities Commission

License:MIT License


Language:HTML 80.6%Language:OpenEdge ABL 6.1%Language:Python 5.6%Language:UnrealScript 2.1%Language:R 1.6%Language:Roff 1.3%Language:Mask 1.1%Language:Max 0.4%Language:Shell 0.4%Language:Perl 0.3%Language:Pep8 0.3%Language:GLSL 0.2%Language:Visual Basic 6.0 0.0%Language:HyPhy 0.0%Language:C++ 0.0%Language:JavaScript 0.0%Language:Mako 0.0%Language:CAP CDS 0.0%Language:ReScript 0.0%Language:eC 0.0%