Many practical links and some tutorials

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Welcome to Telecom ParisTech

This is a list of practical links for working at TPT.

Please edit this page if you have useful links or scripts to share.

TPT administration

  • Eole: TPT intranet (in french)
    • You can book a meeting room, find paperwork for travelling to conferences, ...
  • Zimbra: TPT webmail
  • Min&Tel: another TPT intranet (in french)
    • This is where you can declare your holidays.
  • TPT: TPT public website
    • You can find some informations about accomodation, healthcare, cost of living, ...
  • IDS: IDS department intranet (in french)

TPT account

  • Your account: Some information about your TPT account (in french)
    • You can change your password, set up wifi connexions for guests, ...
  • DSI: Many information about the services of the DSI (the IT department) (in french)
  • SOS: You can ask any question to the DSI about your account, your desktop, the wifi, ...
  • Personal website: The DSI can host your personal website at Activate it from your account, and store the files in ~/public_html.
    • GitHub can also host your personal website at
  • Home: Your home directory is accessible from most machines in TPT, but its size is limited to ~8 Gbytes
  • More space: You can ask the DSI for more space on your local desktop, or on a shared directory in /tsi/doctorants/your_login
  • Wifi connection: To setup wifi in TPT (in french)
    • You can also use your email address ( and your TPT password to connect to the eduroam wifi, available in most french universities.

TPT ssh and clusters

  • SSH:
    • To access TPT by SSH from outside TPT, use ssh; you are now inside.
    • To access a specific machine, e.g. lame10, use ssh your_login@lame10. Note that you need to be inside TPT.
    • To do both step in one, you can easily redirect your ssh (Linux).
  • Infres cluster: A list of powerful machines you can access by ssh, without any queuing system.
    • lame10-16: You have your home folder unchanged, so it's very easy to use.
    • lame17-19: You need to install what you need, your home is not accessible.
    • lame20-22: You can book these machines on this wesite.
    • If you need the gpu, or if you need help with these machines, ask
    • more info here (in french)
  • IDS cluster: A cluster you can access by ssh, but you need to use the queue.
    • Please read the doc before using it ! (in french)
  • Computing Doc: A wiki with limited information on TPT clusters.
  • TP rooms: list of desktops available from 8.00 AM to 11.59 PM, if not in used by students.
  • IDS desktops: list of desktops of the departement IDS
  • VPN: for accessing scientific papers from outside Telecom ParisTech ... legally. Or if you want to pretend you are in France when you are in India.
  • Jupyter notebook: remote access via SSH

Working tools

Python tools

  • Anaconda: A good way to have everything you need for python
    • Miniconda: To have the conda package manager, but not all the default packages of Anaconda
  • Windows binaries: Packages compiled for Windows (unofficial).
  • Scientific basic packages: ipython, numpy, scipy, pandas, jupyter, matplotlib
  • Editing tools: pep8, flake8, yapf
  • Profiling: snakeviz, line-profiler, memory-profiler
  • Editors: sublime_text/atom, spyder/pycharm (Matlab style)
  • Awesomeness: list of links


  • Please edit this page if you have useful links to share, or tips to use Matlab in TPT.

Research tools

  • Sci-Hub: Free access to most scientific papers
  • Libgen: Free access to most scientific books

LaTeX tools

  • Detexify: Find the LaTeX command for a rare symbol, from drawing
  • Table generator: Online tool to build tables in LaTeX


Many practical links and some tutorials