TomCasavant / GiphyMaubot

Generates a gif given a search term, a plugin for Maubot for matrix.

Repository from Github https://github.comTomCasavant/GiphyMaubotRepository from Github https://github.comTomCasavant/GiphyMaubot

Giphy Maubot

A simple maubot that generates a random gif given a search term.


  1. Get API key from giphy and tenor
  2. Fill in giphy_api_key and tenor_api_key field in base-config.yaml config file or in online maubot config editor
  3. It is no longer possible to register new keys for Tenor API v1 ( Select your tenor API version (v1 or v2)
  4. Decide what (giphy) endpoint to get random gifs from (e.g. trending, random) in config file
  5. Choose a response type:
  • message will send a regular message to the room
  • reply will send a quoted reply message to the room
  • upload will actually upload the GIF as an image to the room


!gif word - Bot replies with a link to a gif given the search term !gif - Bot replies with a link to a random gif

Also, !giphy, !g and !tenor may be used.


Generates a gif given a search term, a plugin for Maubot for matrix.

License:MIT License


Language:Python 100.0%