Toliak / UnifiedShortcuts

Uniformed keyboard Shortcuts table for VSCode and PyCharm. Project now is a part of

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Unified keyboard Shortcuts table for VSCode and IntelliJ-based IDEs.

Shortcuts draft table

Symbols definitions:

  • ✖: Not available for current IDE
  • ✅: Available and configured
  • ⛔: Available and not configured

Key binding meaning. For example, Ctrl+Shift+H means pressing Ctrl, Shift and H key simultaneously. In other hand, Ctrl+B Ctrl+H means a sequence of shortcuts. First (prefix) binding is Ctrl+B and the second is Ctrl+H.

General hotkeys

Name Key binding VSCode IDEA
New Window Ctrl+Shift+N
Close Application Alt+F4
Settings Ctrl+Alt+S
Zoom Reset Ctrl+B Ctrl+Shift+9
Zoom In Ctrl+B Ctrl+Shift+=
Zoom Out Ctrl+B Ctrl+Shift+-
Quick Documentation Ctrl+Q
Show All Commands F1
Focus Breadcrumbs Ctrl+B .
Fold all Ctrl+Shift+-
Fold current Ctrl+-
Unfold all Ctrl+Shift+=
Unfold current Ctrl+=
Go to previous change Ctrl+Alt+Left
Go to next change Ctrl+Alt+Right
Go to Line Ctrl+G
Go to File Ctrl+E
Recent Files Ctrl+;
Go to Definition (declaration) Ctrl+L
Go to Implementations (usages) Ctrl+Shift+L
Quick fix Alt+Enter
Rename symbol Shift+F6
Trigger Parameter hints Ctrl+P
Trigger suggests Ctrl+Space
Run task ... Shift+F10
Run debug ... Shift+F9
Switcher Ctrl+Tab

Version control

Name Key binding VSCode IDEA
(K) Commit Window --- Ctrl+B Alt+K Ctrl+K
Push Window Ctrl+Shift+K
Update (pull) Ctrl+T
Rollback file Ctrl+Alt+Z

File hotkeys

Name Key binding VSCode IDEA
Compare With ... Ctrl+B Ctrl+E
Compare With clipboard Ctrl+B Ctrl+Shift+E
Copy Absolute Path Ctrl+Shift+C
New File Ctrl+N
Open File Ctrl+O
Save All Ctrl+S

Editing hotkeys

Name Key binding VSCode IDEA
Add Cursor Above Ctrl+Shift+Alt+Up
Add Cursor Below Ctrl+Shift+Alt+Down
Toggle Line Comment Ctrl+/
Cut Ctrl+X, Shift+Delete
Copy Ctrl+C, Ctrl+Insert
Pase Ctrl+V, Shift+Insert
Copy Line Down Ctrl+D
Copy Line Up Ctrl+Shift+D
Undo Ctrl+Z
Redo Ctrl+Shift+Z
Cursor Undo Ctrl+Shift+Alt+Z
Insert Line Above Ctrl+Shift+Enter
Insert Line Below Ctrl+Enter
Move Line Down Alt+Down
Move Line Up Alt+Up
Smart Move Line Down Shift+Alt+Down
Smart Move Line Up Shift+Alt+Up
Remove Line Ctrl+Y
Join Lines Ctrl+Shift+J
Format Document Ctrl+Alt+F
Toggle Upper/Lower Case Ctrl+Shift+U
Transform to Lower Case Ctrl+U
Transform to Upper Case Ctrl+Shift+U
Transform to Snake Case Ctrl+Alt+Shift+U
Select All Ctrl+A
Expand Selection (Select Word) Ctrl+W
Shrink Selection Ctrl+Shift+W
Indent right Ctrl+]
Indent left Ctrl+[

Search and Replace

Name Key binding VSCode IDEA
Find in files Ctrl+Shift+F
Replace in files Ctrl+Shift+R
Find Ctrl+F
Find Next F3
Find Prev Shift+F3
Add Selection (Cursor) to Next Find Match (Join next match) Alt+J
Replace Ctrl+R
Search Editor: Add Selection (Cursor) to All Matches Ctrl+Alt+Shift+J
Search Editor: Toggle match Case Alt+C
Search Editor: Toggle match whole Words Alt+W
Search Editor: Toggle match Regexp Alt+X
Search Editor: Match in Selection Alt+S

View hotkeys

For Vim prefix shortcut is Ctrl+W instead of Ctrl+B

Name Key binding VSCode IDEA TMux
View: Close Tab Ctrl+F4, Ctrl+B X
View: Focus Group Below Ctrl+B J
View: Focus Group Above Ctrl+B K
View: Focus Group Left Ctrl+B H
View: Focus Group Right Ctrl+B L
View: Swap Group Below Ctrl+B Ctrl+Shift+[
View: Swap Group Above Ctrl+B Ctrl+Shift+]
View: Swap Group Left Ctrl+B Shift+[
View: Swap Group Right Ctrl+B Shift+]
View: Move Tab into Group Below Ctrl+B Ctrl+Shift+J
View: Move Tab into Group Above Ctrl+B Ctrl+Shift+K
View: Move Tab into Group Left Ctrl+B Ctrl+Shift+H
View: Move Tab into Group Right Ctrl+B Ctrl+Shift+L
View: Next Tab Ctrl+PageUp, Ctrl+B Ctrl+L
View: Previous Tab Ctrl+PageDown, Ctrl+B Ctrl+H
View: Split Verically Ctrl+B Shift+-
View: Split Horizontally Ctrl+B -
View: Toggle Line Wrap Ctrl+B Alt+Z
View: Toggle Side Bar visibility Ctrl+B Alt+B
View: Reopen last closed tab Ctrl+Shift+T
View: Increase Group Height Ctrl+B Shift+K
View: Increase Group Width Ctrl+B Shift+L
View: Decrease Group Height Ctrl+B Shift+J
View: Decrease Group Width Ctrl+B Shift+H



Name Key binding
Hide panels Ctrl+B Alt+B
Sources Alt+1, Ctrl+B Alt+E
Search Alt+2, Ctrl+Shift+F
Git Alt+3, Ctrl+B Alt+K
Run & Debug Alt+4
Extensions Alt+8
Terminal Alt+9, Ctrl+~


Name Key binding
Hide panels Ctrl+B Alt+B
Sources Alt+1, Ctrl+B Alt+E
Search Alt+2, Ctrl+Shift+F
Git Alt+3, Ctrl+K, Ctrl+B Alt+K
Debug Alt+4
Run Alt+5
Structure Alt+7
Bookmarks Alt+8
Terminal Alt+9, Ctrl+~


Uniformed keyboard Shortcuts table for VSCode and PyCharm. Project now is a part of

License:MIT License