TodWulff / Klipper_UserInteraction

A set of macros to enable print-time user interaction with Klipper via Console and using UI [macro] buttons.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A set of macros to enable print-time user interaction with Klipper via Console and UI buttons (macros). Copyright (C) 2022-2023 Tod A. Wulff

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

Should you have a need to receive a copy of the GNU General Public License, see

27Apr23 - Adopted GNU GPLv3 for these works. Added example of using UI to go interactive with user when host system cpu utilization exceeds some programmatic value at print start.

04APR23 Update: Added example of using UI Interaction during an Idle Timeout Event.

19MAR23 Update: Added Text Decoration to the queries. Updated code herein with the latest from my production printer environment. Added verbal hinting/reminding with TTS macro calls: say & say_wait.

Macro list/comments:

Video of an early implementation:

Note that the files herein may not be the latest - 'production' code is attainable via my printer config: and

Here is an example of a real world use case - optionally keeping heaters on & unloading filament @ print end:

Here is another example of a real world use case - optionally rebooting after an ERCF calibration event:

Other cases in which I employ this module in my daily printing workflow:

  • During an Idle Timeout event, give user ability to cancel the shutdown, to proceed, and to upload configs and then proceed, with null-input timeout to default to proceed with the shutdown (as imaged).

  • At print start, if system cpu utilization exceeds a threshold, go interactive to give user an opportunity to resolve the issue (wait for the host to settle down (i.e. if transcoding a timelapse from a prior print), or to change the threshold value via the console).

  • At print start, if extrusion factor or speed factor is not 100%, go interactive to give user option to reset each to 100% before commencing the print:

  • At print canx/end, give user opportunity to retain heater settings, or to turn heaters off;
  • At print canx/end, give user option to retain or unload filament (12-color Multi-Material ERCF here);
  • At print end, give user opportunity to push current configs up to github repo, for historization and disaster recovery purposes:
    • The '_git_repo_ops' macro set has been enhanced to query the user for a 1-72 character commit summary message

  • Using UI to enable SomaFM Web Streamed Radio channel selection by displaying an index of channel names/numbers and querying the user to make a selection:

  • During calibration of ERCF Filament Encoder, for each color/cart, give user ability to restart the calibration or to accept same and continue
  • Used UI module during testing of various hardware items (i.e. servo throw angle determinations for v0.1 nozzle scrubber and side swipe klicky/euclid bed probes)
  • ... more that I cannot recall right now


Here is a user-submitted example of using this macro library to implement an interactive M600 Filament Change process: Thanks to Discord User Beatzoid#8010 for providing this fine example.


Heavily relies on [Save_Variables] module see:

Makes use of M300 and some custom M300_ related macros I mucked with for emitting sounds, so if you're not so interested, or haven't a beeper on your box, comment out related lines: _ui_reminder, _annunciate_input_exception, and _annunciate_good_input - see:

Makes heavy use of the [response] module - I've trapped the stock M118 (using rename_existing) with gcode such that it uses action_notification vs. FW M118 code. This enables emission of 'special characters' that M118's FW code chokes on - see:

Throughout my configs, virtually all gcode macros have been 'instrumented' - the first and last lines of each gcode block can be deleted. I have these as I have an ability to trace macro code execution and display same in the console - quite powerful for macro development/ troubleshooting but of little/no use to others, with rare exception - see:

Users should consider adding a User Input macro pane, as depicted below - which calls macros herein.
Orienting it under the console pane will allow it to become intuitive with a small bit of use. Author's UI of choice is Mainsail.
For Fluidd or other Moonraker Clients (Mooncord/Telegram Bot/...), I defer to others to adapt the macros for use therein.

Primary Macro: GET_USER_INPUT Parameters and related dialog follows

Optional Parameters:

PROMPT Quoted Text to display in console as a user input prompt. Promts are vistually separated from balance of console context via a dashed line being displayed before and after the prompt (see images below).

RCVR_MACRO Macro name to run when VALID input received - UI_INPUT param, containing user input contents is passed to the called macro - if required, the called user macro can query svv for additional details.

TYPE The TYPE of input needed - one of these three string/str, integer/int, float/flt

BOUNDS_HI if TYPE is float/flt, input must be >=lo and <=hi - for integer/int, input must be >=floor(lo) and <=ceiling(hi)

BOUNDS_LO - if string/str TYPE, character count must be >=floor(lo) and <=ceiling(hi)

TO_PERIOD Period in Integer seconds to wait for user input

RMDR_PERIOD Overrides the default reminder period set in _ui_vars while waiting for user input

EXCPT_HDLR Macro name is called in the event of an input timeout or faulty input - no params passed - query svv...

TO_CYCL_DEF iterations of timeouts before TO_RESP_DEF is sent as UI_INPUT to RCVR_MACRO - default: -1 to disable behavior

TO_RESP_DEF UI_INPUT value to be passed if TO_CYCL_DEF count reaches 0 when decremented @ timeout

For string TYPE, if BOUNDS_LO is not asserted, defaults to 1.

For string TYPE, if BOUNDS_HI is not asserted, defaults to 255.

For float TYPE, if BOUNDS_LO is not asserted, defaults to -999999999.0.

For float TYPE, if BOUNDS_HI is not asserted, defaults to 999999999.0.

For integer TYPE, if BOUNDS_LO is not asserted, defaults to -999999999.

For integer TYPE, if BOUNDS_HI is not asserted, defaults to 999999999

If additional bounds testing is desired/required, it's up to the user implementing this on their printers to craft more granular test and validation - by way of the RCVR_MACRO. If I've blantantly missed something, then let me know. :)

For optional parameters, read the code to understand implications of relying on defaults.

Again, ALL parameters are optional and default to something (depicted in the following):

PROMPT="Awaiting User Input:"		displayed on the console at macro start as a user prompt
TYPE=STRING				'string'('str') or 'integer'('int') or 'float'('flt') - for buttons use string
BOUNDS_LO=1				min string chars or min numercial value (Int/Flt -999999999)
BOUNDS_HI=255				max string chars or max numercial value (Int/Flt  999999999)
RCVR_MACRO="_test_show_user_input"	to accept param UI_INPUT that will be an int/flt/"string" that was 
					input and passes sniff test (simple bounding checks)
TO_PERIOD=120				in seconds
EXCPT_HDLR="_ui_exception_handler"	no params passed to this proc - use svv to get runtime specifics if needed
TO_RESP_DEF="NULL"			if TO_CYCLES >=0, this param will be passed to RCVR_MACRO via UI_INPUT if no user input received
RMDR_PERIOD=15				reminder bleeps every n seconds - 0 will disable reminder beeps

Also, there are four other module macro variables that affect the function of the macros

variable_ui_input_check_recurse_period:	  0.5	# seconds - period between checking for input when expected - 0.5s is good - less leads to more host
						# cycle consumption, larger leads to reduced perceived responsiveness
variable_ui_reminder_enable:		  1	# bool 1/0 - 0 overtly disables reminder bleeps regardless of RMDR_PERIOD param
variable_ui_enable_input_hints:		  0	# bool 1/0 - defaults to disabling hints on input prompt
variable_ui_disable_exception_hints:	  0	# bool 1/0 - defaults to enabling hints on an exception event

These can be programmatically altered during runtime via use of SET_GCODE_VARIABLE gcode command - i.e.:

	SET_GCODE_VARIABLE MACRO=_ui_vars VARIABLE=ui_enable_input_hints VALUE=1

Example call follows:

This call looks for a user to enter a string 1-12 chars long, with a timeout of 60 secs, that forwards (via UI_INPUT param), the entered string to the '_test_show_user_input' macro (default if no RCVR_MACRO passed by user call) If a timeout happens/faulty input is detected, the _ui_timeout_watchdog/_validate_user_input macros call '_ui_exception_handler' macro (which is the default exception handler if no EXCPT_HDLR macro name is passed by the user call)

get_user_input PROMPT="Enter/click something:" TYPE=string BOUNDS_LO=1 BOUNDS_HI=12 RCVR_MACRO=_test_show_user_input TO_PERIOD=60 EXCPT_HDLR=_ui_exception_handler


if a custom EXCPT_HDLR macro is to be instantiated, it may prove useful to consider the following:

  • GET_USER_INPUT does the following:
    • initializes states and then displays the user PROMPT
    • sets the timeout watchdog to fire after the asserted (120s default) TO_PERIOD
    • puts _await_user_input into a recursive loop, non-blocking while waiting, with a period defined in _ui_vars
  • a single EXCPT_HDLR macro services both bad input cases as well as the time-out when waiting on user input.
  • for timeouts the default EXCPT_HDLR macro simply recalls GET_USER_INPUT giving user another input context
    • this approach can be altered with a custom EXCPT_HDLR macro being passed to the GET_USER_INPUT call
  • When _await_user_input detects input from user, _validate_user_input tests for TYPE and BOUNDS_HI/BOUNDS_LO compliance
    • if input is NOT TYPE & BOUNDS_HI/BOUNDS_LO compliant, _await_user_input recalls GET_USER_INPUT so user can fix it
    • if input IS TYPE & BOUNDS_HI/BOUNDS_LO compliant (flag _ui_bad_input NOT set), input is sent to RCVR_MACRO via UI_INPUT param

In most conceivable use cases, the default exception handler/validation macros should be adequate. However, author decided to give others options, in the event something wasn't adequately considered. Either an entirely new EXCPT_HDLR can be crafted or, as demonstrated in _ui_test.cfg's _ui_test_exception_handler (custom EXCPT_HDLR) code runs and then chains to the stock _ui_exception_handler below

In _ui_vars macro, a person implementing this can selectively enable/disable Input Prompt and/or Exception hints. Hints are little descriptive blurbs as to what the macro is expecting as input - one can enable hints on either the input prompt, or disable hints when an input exception is detected/raised. It is suggested that it is likely best to have exception hints enabled, and to have the input prompt detail what sort of input is desired, leaving input hints disabled. The _ui_test.cfg file has the START_DEMO macro that iterates through some UI input event - I used it for dev testing, it works as a demo.

Some visual examples as it relates to the hint options that can be set in _ui_vars:

No Hints on Exception nor Input Prompt: (likely too terse - user should make the preamble/prompt detailed)

Hints on Exception only, not on Input Prompt: (the author's preference)

Hints on Input Prompt but not on an Exception: (leads to some noise, which may be tolerable)

Hints on both Input Prompt and when an exception is raised: (likely redundant, imo)

Closing comments:

This was/is a quite deep rabbit hole. Author MegaHurtz 🇺🇸#6544 can be reached on a number of different Discord servers:

  • DIY 3D Printer Kit Feedback
  • Voron Design
  • Klipper
  • Mainsail
  • ...

Don't hesitate to reach out as may be needed. Have a great day. Happy Printing!



A set of macros to enable print-time user interaction with Klipper via Console and using UI [macro] buttons.