TobseF / PhraseAppPropSort

๐Ÿ›  Property sorting and formatting with the PhraseApp style

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

๐Ÿ›  PhraseApp property file formatter

Kotlin BCH compliance
This command line tool to format and sort Java message properties files in the same way as PhraseApp.

When to use it:

  • You need consistently formatted .properties over all your projects.
  • You want to reduce merge conflicts.
  • You want to delete unused message keys in phraseapp.
  • You like to do a phraseapp pull without troubles.
  • You use the GitHub Sync.


Formats yor message property files:

Popup_Messages_Alter = Alert
Popup_Messages_Warning = Be careful
# Some comment for this email 
Settings_User_Email_Title = Email
Settings_User_FirstName = First Name
Settings_User_LastName = Last Name
Settings_Window_Title  = Title

Checks the syntax and warns on errors:

Warning: Omitting duplicate key (With the same value): Double_Key_With_SameValue= 'Value_1'

Error: Found duplicate key, with different values:
Double_Key_With_DifferentValue= 'Value_2'

โ„น For details check out the MessagePropertyParserTest.

Reads the PhraseApp config File

It can read the phraseapp.yml file to search for .properties-files listed there. So you can simply call prosort your project root dir to sort all configured message properties.


Sort & Format all files in the current directory:
โ„น If a phraseapp.yml is present in this dir, only files listed there will be processed.



Sort & Format specific files:

propsort path/ path/


Compare folders of property files:

propsort -compare folder1 folder2


Backup files to temp dir:

propsort -backup $PATH_TO_REPO

$PATH_TO_REPO: Folder which contains the message property files, or the phraseapp.yml.


Delete remote keys which are not present in the local message property files.

propsort -backup $PATH_TO_REPO
phraseapp $PATH_TO_REPO
propsort -delete-unused -simulate  $PATH_TO_REPO
propsort -delete-unused $PATH_TO_REPO

$PATH_TO_REPO: Folder which contains the message property files, or the phraseapp.yml.


๐Ÿ›  Property sorting and formatting with the PhraseApp style


Language:Kotlin 100.0%