TobiasRosskopf / TobiasRosskopf

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

My Languages and Tools:

Visual Studio Code Visual Studio Code open source code editor
Fish Fish command line shell for macOS and Linux
Python Python interpreted programming language
Pytest Pytest test framework for Python
Pylint Pylint linter for Python
PyQt5 PyQt5 Qt-wrapper for building GUIs with Python
Django Django web framework for Python
SQLite SQLite engine for filebased databases
PostgreSQL PostgreSQL object-relational database system
PostGIS PostGIS spatial database extender for PostgreSQL
HTML5 HTML 5 markup language for digital documents
CSS3 CSS 3 stylesheet language
Sass Sass CSS preprocessor
TypeScript TypeScript typed superset for JavaScript
Jest Jest test framework for JavaScript
ESLint ESLint linter for JavaScript
React React JavaScript library for building webbased GUIs
Leaflet Leaflet JavaScript library for creating online maps
three.js three.js JavaScript library for creating three dimensional content
Rust Rust perfromant and compiled programming language
Tauri Tauri fullstack application framework with rust in backend and web technologies in frontend
C# C# compiled and object-oriented programming lanuage
Unity Unity cross-platform game engine in C#
Docker Docker software for isolating apps with containervirtualisation
QGIS QGIS open source geoinformationsystem
Github Copilot Github Copilot AI pair programmer
