Run LIO-SAM with Carla and ROS2
guzgonav opened this issue · comments
Guzman commented
I've been trying to use LIO-SAM to map a ros2bag recorded in carla, however I'm not able to make it work.
The topics I have are the following ones:
So I've changes the params.yaml topics settings to:
# Topics
pointCloudTopic: "/carla/ego_vehicle/lidar" # Point cloud data
imuTopic: "/carla/ego_vehicle/imu" # IMU data
odomTopic: "/carla/ego_vehicle/odometry" # IMU pre-preintegration odometry, same frequency as IMU
gpsTopic: "/carla/ego_vehicle/gnss" # GPS odometry topic from navsat, see module_navsat.launch file
With that changes, the SLAM algorithm doesn't work, what else do I need to modify?
Thanks in advance :)
Thomas LUK commented
Can u clarify how it doesn't work? Miss aligned or even no map is built
Guzman commented
It didn't show map at all, I finally made it work changing the following in config/params.yaml
# Topics
pointCloudTopic: "/carla/ego_vehicle/lidar" # Point cloud data
imuTopic: "/carla/ego_vehicle/imu" # IMU data
odomTopic: "/carla/ego_vehicle/odometry" # IMU pre-preintegration odometry, same frequency as IMU
gpsTopic: "/carla/ego_vehicle/gnss" # GPS odometry topic from navsat, see module_navsat.launch file
# Frames
lidarFrame: "ego_vehicle/lidar"
baselinkFrame: "ego_vehicle"
odometryFrame: "odom"
mapFrame: "map"