Titousensei / reforth

Rethinking Forth

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Some general Forth gripes:

  • Most non-trivial Forth source code becomes unreadable to all but the author.
  • Vocabularies, wordlists, and the search order are a clunky way to do namespaces.
  • Avoiding namespace pollution encourages building longer words which are harder to debug.
  • Excessive stack manipulation is common, and is just confusing and distracting.
  • ANS-Forth local variables are an overly-complex solution.
  • Forth control structures could be more flexible.

Some high-level gripes when using Forth inside other popular envrionments:

  • Null-terminated strings produce cleaner code than counted strings.
  • Null-terminated strings allow easier linking to external C libraries.
  • A regular expression engine would make scripting tasks more pleasant.
  • Networking and Multithreading functionality is important.
  • Hooks to parse and generate XML or HTML would be nice for web stuff.

Rethinking Forth

Enter Reforth!

It is small, familiar, still a Forth. Not an ANS-Forth out of the box, but:

  • Where Reforth uses ANS words, they generally work the same way or can be easily redefined.
  • Reforth is pretty normal under the hood, so adding a full ANS layer would be straight forward.

Version 1 is built with C to get going quickly and so it can run on my x86(-64) machines and my ARM devices. It uses GNU C's Labels as Values (like gforth does) to build a proper threaded Forth without relying on the C call stack.

It is on github.

Reforth tries to solve my gripes without fundamentally changing Forth's elegance and simplicity.

Now to the gripes! Many of these have been solved in other Forths and certainly none are new ideas. But, for whatever reason, I havn't found them all together in one place. So, here goes...

Simplified Control Structures

In Reforth, the word end replaces traditional Forth's then, loop, again, and repeat. This:

  • reduces the core word count
  • is shorter
  • is simpler (every code block ends with end)
  • is easier for non-Forth folk to pick up
  • is only slightly more complex under the hood
  • allows interlocking functionality between counted and conditional loops

Any number of while calls can be made in a single conditional loop:


The above allows conditional chaining like the && operator in C or bash.

The word until does not terminate a loop, but is just syntactic sugar for 0= while. Plus, the two can be mixed:


Counted loops use for end instead of do loop, and take a single argument rather than an index and limit:

10 for i . cr end

Having simpler counted loops allows the conditional loop words to also be used there:

10 for

And conversely i can also be used in a conditional loop to get the index:

    i . cr

The words leave and next work like C's break and continue for fine-grained control, and may apply to either counted or conditional loops:

    if    operation
    if    operation1

10 for
    if    operation

Finally, ANS-Forth's case of endof endcase have been dumped, because it is easy to build a switch:

    if    operation1
    if    operation1

Smarter Control Structures

Words if, begin, and for are state-smart. When called in interpret mode they automatically enter compile mode. Later, end detects the fact, executes the compiled code fragment, and reverts to interpret mode. This is quite useful when using Forth as a shell or scripting language.

> 5 for "hello world\n" type end
hello world
hello world
hello world
hello world
hello world
 ok (0)


Word definitions may be nested.

: hiphip ( -- )
    : cheer "hip hip, hooray!" type ;
    cheer cheer cheer

Ok, so one could do the above with a loop. But there is more to it:

  • Sub-words are private and scoped so they are only visible in the current definition, avoiding namespace pollution. Above, one could not call cheer outside the definition of hiphip.
  • Smaller definitions are a good thing for code clarity and maintenance. Go ahead and break up those long definitions into sub-words. Try using a sub-words instead of a nested code blocks.
  • Private sub-words solve half the problem with vocabularies. More on this later.

Implementing sub-words is easy. Many Forths could probably do it:

  1. Make : (colon) an immediate word.
  2. Turn Forth's compile/interpret flag into a counter. Have : (colon) increment it and ; (semi-colon) decrement.
  3. Implement one of the following:
    • Compile a jump branch around sub-words so they do not execute until called, or...
    • Require sub-words be defined at the start of the outer word and adjust its entry point.
  4. Make ; (semicolon) patch the current wordlist appropriately to hide sub-words.


: dump ( address length -- )

    : hex ( a -- )
        at! 16
        for c@+
            FFh and "%02x " format type
        end ;

    : ascii ( a -- )
        at! 16
        for c@+
            dup alpha? over digit? or 0=
            if drop 46 end emit
        end ;

    16 / 1+
        dup "\n%08x  " format type
        dup hex space dup ascii
        16 +
    drop ;


> 'dump sys:xt-body @ 100 dump

0062ef0a  72 00 18 00 14 00 6f 00 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  r.....o.........
0062ef1a  73 00 0f 00 19 00 6f 00 ff 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  s.....o.........
0062ef2a  28 00 70 00 04 00 25 30 32 78 20 00 98 00 74 00  ..p....02x....t.
0062ef3a  02 00 72 00 1b 00 14 00 6f 00 10 00 00 00 00 00  ..r.....o.......
0062ef4a  00 00 73 00 12 00 19 00 08 00 96 00 0a 00 95 00  ..s.............
0062ef5a  29 00 2f 00 71 00 07 00 09 00 6f 00 2e 00 00 00  ....q.....o.....
0062ef6a  00 00 00 00 40 00 74 00 02 00 6f 00 10 00 00 00  ......t...o..... ok

Two Local Variables

Supporting random numbers of local variables in Forth makes for complex handling of the return stack at run-time, or a complex compiler, or both.

Reforth supports precisely two local variables: at and my

  • at is designed to hold an address and is set with at!. It is like the A register from Chuck's later work, except it does not have to be saved and restored when calling words that also use it for their own purposes. The words @+ and !+ use and increment it automatically. It also works well (and importantly, reads well) as a pointer for relative addressing.
  • my is a general purpose bucket set with my!. It fills the same sort of role as >r, r@, and r>, but is faster, uses less code, and doesn't need to be cleaned up.


: accept ( buf lim -- len )
    over at!
        key my!
        my while
        my 10 = until
        my c!+
    0 c!+ at 1- swap - ;

Since the number of locals is fixed the implementation is able to be very efficient. Entering and exiting a high-level word simply adjusts the return stack pointer by three cells instead of one.

Being limited to two locals per word combines elegantly with sub-words. Want more locals? Use more words!

Immediate Structures

It has been common for decades for Forth programmers to implement records. Something like:

: struct 0 ;
: field create over , + does @ + ;

    cell field alpha
    cell field beta
     100 field gamma
constant stuff

Basic relative addressing using names which improves code readbility. The create/does overhead can be a bottleneck but fancier and faster implementations are in the wild. Forth200x has something similar.

Reforth implements records and fields in code for efficiency, and uses a nice clean syntax:

record stuff
    cell field alpha
    cell field beta
     100 field gamma

Furthermore, record is an immediate word, so one can define private records inside words. This is useful for neatly managing memory allotted by create does defining words:

: fruit ( apples oranges -- )

    record fields
        cell field apples
        cell field oranges

        here tuck
        fields allot
        oranges !
        apples  !
        ( etc... ) ;

Sub-words as Libraries

Sub-words lend themselves to implementing APIs and libraries just like traditional wordlists. In Reforth, the parser is modified to recognise a new syntax:


The above tells the parser to:

  1. Look for the word hiphip in the dictionary
  2. Look for the sub-word cheer in hiphip's list
  3. Execute or compile cheer

This solves the second half of the problem with vocabularies. Saying hiphip:cheer is unambiguous, does not rely on a search order being set first, and does double duty by grouping related words with a common prefix without requiring that prefix to be used inside the library itself.

Sub-words as Objects

Being able to call sub-words using the outer:inner notation looks a lot like calling a static method in a class in other languages. How about proper objects and methods? We already have the tools: records, sub-words, and Forth's create/does.

: fruit-basket ( -- )

    record fields
        cell field apples
        cell field oranges
        cell field bananas

    : count-fruit ( this -- n )
        at apples  @
        at oranges @ +
        at bananas @ + ;

    create fields allot does ;

fruit-basket hamper

5 hamper.apples  !
3 hamper.oranges !
2 hamper.bananas !


Above, the outer:inner static notation has been tweaked to be object.method. It tells the parser to:

  1. Look for the word hamper in the dicitonary
  2. Look for the sub-word count-fruit in hamper's list
  3. Execute or compile count-fruit

Step #2 works because Reforth's word does patches the defining word's sub-word list into created words' headers, ie, hamper inherits fruit-basket's sub-word list.

A more useful example:

: array ( -- )

    record fields
        cell field size
        cell field data

    : index ( i a -- )
        dup at! size @ 1- min 0 max cells at data @ + ;

    : get ( i a -- n )
        index @ ;

    : set ( n i a -- )
        index ! ;

    : dump ( a -- )
        dup at! size @
        at "array %x\n" print
            i at get
            i " %d => %d\n" print
        end ;

    : construct ( n -- a )
        here fields allot
        over cells allocate
        over data !
        tuck size ! ;

    : destruct ( a -- )
        dup data @ free free ;

    create construct drop does


> 3 array test
> test.dump
array 62f452
 0 => 0
 1 => 0
 2 => 0
> 17 1 test.set
> test.dump
array 62f452
 0 => 0
 1 => 17
 2 => 0
> 1 test.get .
17  ok

String Literals

Reforth understands how to parse string literals directly, without words like s" or z". It follows the C-like escape sequences for \t, \r, \n, etc. A circular set of string buffers are used to allow up to three string literals in use simultaneously in interpret mode.

"hello world\n" type

String Formatting

Reforth has the word format which wraps C's sprintf() functionality. All the usual % sequences are supported. Like string literals, formatted strings use a circular set of buffers so that formatting operations may be chained in interpret mode.

42 "the number is: %d\n" format type

POSIX Regular Expressions

Reforth allows matching and splitting strings by regex:

: taste-test ( subject -- )

    "(apple|orange|banana)" match

    if "got fruit!\n" type end ;

: process-lines ( text -- )

    : line ( text -- text' flag )
        dup "\r?\n" split rot type ;

    begin line while cr end drop ;


Rethinking Forth


Language:C 62.0%Language:Forth 37.0%Language:Makefile 0.9%Language:Shell 0.0%