Tinysymphony / workflow-starter

A tool to build React development environment with gulp & webpack. | React前端自动化工作流,基于Gulp/Webpack/BrowserSync/Babel

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Build the front-end development environment with Workflow-Starter~

It can be a template for building projects.

It's equipped with React.js / react-hot-loader / Babel(JSX builder) / scss / Gulp etc.

workflow goes in this way: src ---> prebuild ---> build


git clone https://github.com/Tinysymphony/workflow-starter
cd webpack-starter

#get the workflow-starter command
read a < starter.sh && eval $a

#find a place to locate your project
mkdir yourApp && cd yourApp

#about 120+M
npm install

#make sure you have installed Gulp globally
npm install -g gulp

#checkout available Gulp commands
gulp help

#get all the files
gulp build

#clean the files in build and prebuild
gulp clean

#ues a terminal to watch your src directory
gulp watch

#open anthor one to start your server, default is at 3000 port
gulp server

Now you can try your browser to render your page. It can be a safari on your ipad, or mobile browser, or a Chrome / FF / Opera / on PC. Browser-Sync has bought the two functions, hot-reloader and synchronize action, for us. That means we are freed of pushing F5 or refresh buttons on different browsers when writing webpages.

  • Notice1: the browser-sync would render the pages after webpack has completed its work, in some situations, it's still necessary to refresh manually.
  • Notice2: when errors occur in your codes, webpack cannot pack all the files. prebuild will not be updated, neither do your pages. Please keep a eye on outputs of watch process.

####Starter's Philosophy

  • Webpack does well in managing all front-end resources and should be used to pack fragmental files in src/
  • Gulp has many plugins and can process files methodically, so it's supposed to be the controller of the workflow. For example. gulp webpack is actually a gulp task which calls webpack to finish the packing works.
  • Gulp uses its plugins to minify files, rename with hashed name, and watch.
  • Although browser-sync are available on CLI, we'd prefer call it using gulp command, the file service started by it should be based in prebuild.
  • The workflow: gulp webpack ---> gulp watch ---> gulp server ---> open your browsers of different devices ---> modify contents of src directory ---> view the rendered pages in real time ---> gulp build ---> pushlish build directory

####Todo List

  • bower
  • source-map
  • debugging tools

Enjoy it.

###Workflow-Starter 文档中文版



工作流:src ---> prebuild ---> build


git clone https://github.com/Tinysymphony/workflow-starter
cd webpack-starter

read a < starter.sh && eval $a

mkdir yourApp && cd yourApp

npm install

npm install -g gulp

gulp help

gulp build

gulp clean

gulp watch

gulp server




  • 注1:偶尔会因为缓存或者其他原因导致无法自动刷新,需要手动。

  • 注2:在编译出错时,热替换会失效,注意查看watch终端的输出信息。

需要打包发布时,一定要gulp build,然后使用build文件夹的内容。


  • 利用Webpack管理前端资源文件夹src,根据配置文件需求,生成整合的前端文件到prebuild文件夹。
  • 因为Gulp流程细节可控,所以用作工作流的顶层控制器,即所有操作都是靠gulp指令完成。例如命令gulp webpack实际上是gulp调用webpack完成src--->prebuild的过程。
  • Gulp使用自身插件实现压缩,混淆,hash文件名,文件监视等。
  • browser-sync可以在CLI下独立使用,不过这里也是通过gulp调用,browser-sync开设的文件服务应基于prebuild文件夹。
  • 实际的开发流程应该是:gulp webpack ---> gulp watch ---> gulp server ---> 开启PC端,移动端浏览器 ---> 编辑src文件夹内容 ---> 直接查看各个浏览器效果 ---> gulp build ---> 发布build文件夹内容


  • bower
  • source-map
  • js调试工具



A tool to build React development environment with gulp & webpack. | React前端自动化工作流,基于Gulp/Webpack/BrowserSync/Babel


Language:JavaScript 70.9%Language:CSS 15.3%Language:HTML 10.9%Language:Shell 2.9%