Timmimim / o2r-muncher

Node.js implementation of the o2r-project/o2r-web-api

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o2r muncher

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Node.js implementation of the endpoints /api/v1/compendium (reading and metadata update) and /api/v1/jobs of the o2r-web-api.


  • Docker
  • MongoDB


This project includes a Dockerfile which can be built and run with the following commands.

docker build -t muncher .

docker run --name mongodb -d -p 27017:27017 mongo:3.4

docker run -it -p 8080:8080 --link mongodb:mongodb -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -e MUNCHER_MONGODB=mongodb://mongodb:27017 -e DEBUG=muncher,muncher:* muncher


You can override these environment variables (configured in config/config.js) when starting the service to configure it.

  • MUNCHER_PORT Define on which Port muncher should listen. Defaults to 8080.
  • MUNCHER_MONGODB Required Location for the mongo db. Defaults to mongodb://localhost/. You will very likely need to change this.
  • MUNCHER_MONGODB_DATABASE Which database inside the MongoDB should be used? Defaults to muncher.
  • MUNCHER_BASEPATH Base path for the compendia storage. Defaults to /tmp/o2r. If you want persistent compendia storage, you should point this to a separate volume.
  • MUNCHER_VOLUME The name of the volume where compendia are stored, needed for mounting the correct path to 2nd level containers in compose configurations; overrides MUNCHER_BASEPATH for the metadata tools containers. Not set by default.
  • MUNCHER_CONTAINER_USER User name or id for the user running the compendium containers, defaults to 1000. _Change this for usage with docker-compose!
  • MUNCHER_EMAIL_TRANSPORT, MUNCHER_EMAIL_RECEIVERS, MUNCHER_EMAIL_SENDER Email configuration settings for sending emails when critical events in the server happen, based on nodemailer. _TRANSPORT ist the mail transport string, see nodemailer documented, _RECEIVERS is a comma-separated list, and _SENDER is the mails sender. All three must be set. Mail notification can also be disabled completely via config.js.
  • MUNCHER_META_TOOL_CONTAINER Docker image name and tag for metadata tools, defaults to running latest o2r-meta in a container, i.e. o2rproject/o2r-meta:latest.
  • MUNCHER_META_TOOL_CONTAINER_USER User name or id for the user running the meta container, defaults to o2r.
  • MUNCHER_META_TOOL_CONTAINER_RM Remove the metadata extraction and brokering containers after completion, defaults to true.
  • MUNCHER_CONTAINERIT_IMAGE Docker image name and tag for containerit tool, defaults to running Rocker's geospatial image with containerit pre-installed, i.e. o2rproject/containerit:geospatial.
  • MUNCHER_CONTAINERIT_USER The user within the container, which must match the used image (see previous setting), defaults to rstudio, which is suitable for images in the rocker/verse stack of images. _Change this for usage with docker-compose!
  • MUNCHER_FAIL_ON_NO_FILES Should an error be thrown when files for a compendium that exists in the database are not found? Defaults to false (useful for testing).

The connection to the Docker API is build on dockerode which allows execution on any Docker host that exposes the port. Most commonly, the default configuration will be used, i.e. the local Docker socket is mounted at the default location into the container running muncher (see above)


Testing is based on mocha integration tests. A MongoDB database must be running at the default port for the tests to work and must be started manually.

Attention: The database is cleared completely several times during tests!

To be able to test job execution and compendia metadata update, the tests may automatically start a Docker container of o2r-loader.

# must start with replica set for oplog (finder) to work, see https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/tutorial/convert-standalone-to-replica-set/ and https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/tutorial/deploy-replica-set-for-testing/
mongod --dbpath ./db --replSet rso2r --smallfiles;

npm run test_loader

# you can also run the tests towards a manually specified host
TEST_HOST=http://localhost:80 npm test

# you can also disable the loader container
LOADER_CONTAINER=no TEST_HOST=http://localhost npm test
# or
npm run test


Run container with MongoDB on host

docker run -it -p 8080:8080 -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -e MUNCHER_MONGODB=mongodb:// -e DEBUG=muncher,muncher:* muncher

Removing all containers/images created by muncher

docker ps -a | grep erc | awk '{print $1}' | xargs --no-run-if-empty docker rm

docker images --no-trunc | grep erc | awk '{print $3}' | xargs --no-run-if-empty docker rmi -f

Steps for starting a local development environment manually

The following steps assume that you have all the required projects (o2r-contentbutler, o2r-muncher, o2r-loader, o2r-platform) in one directory. Repository updates (git pull, npm install, bower install and the like) are not shown.

mkdir /tmp/o2r-mongodb-data
mongod --dbpath /tmp/o2r-mongodb-data

# new termine: start loader (default port 8088)

# new terminal: start muncher (default port 8080)
cd ../o2r-muncher
DEBUG=* npm start

# new terminal: run tests to add test data
npm test

# new terminal: run a webservice container in daemon mode on port 80 with (a) a proxy in front of the microservices and (b) the client project at / (must change app constant manually!)
cd ../o2r-platform
docker run --rm --name o2r-platform -p 80:80 -v $(pwd)/test/nginx.conf:/etc/nginx/nginx.conf -v $(pwd):/etc/nginx/html nginx

# do work, restart respective apps as needed

Alternatively, start the component(s) under development from your IDE(s).

Authentication and upload with curl

You can authenticate locally with OAuth via ORCID using the required configuration parameters (see project reference-implementation).

If you want to upload from the command line, make sure the account has the required level (it should by default), get the session cookie connect.sid content out of the browser and use it in the curl request:

curl --cookie connect.sid=s:S1oH7... -F "compendium=@/<path to compendium.zip>;type=application/zip" -F "content_type=compendium"

Create bags for testing

The following code uses bagit.py to create, validate, or load and update an existing bag in place:

# create bag
python -c "import bagit; bag = bagit.make_bag('success-validate');"

# validate bag
python -c "import bagit; bag = bagit.Bag('success-load-validate'); print('Is Bag valid?', bag.validate());"

# update bag
python -c "import bagit; bag = bagit.Bag('success-load-validate'); bag.save(manifests=True);"


o2r muncher is licensed under Apache License, Version 2.0, see file LICENSE.

Copyright (C) 2017 - o2r project.


Node.js implementation of the o2r-project/o2r-web-api

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:HTML 93.5%Language:JavaScript 6.0%Language:TeX 0.2%Language:R 0.2%Language:Python 0.0%Language:Shell 0.0%