Timi0217 / Nozama

A program to simulate the ordering, retrieving, and packing processes of a warehouse using round robin and shortest time modes

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Title: Nozama Online

Author: Oluwatimilehin Dayo-Kayode

Purpose: Simulate a warehouse facility using two modes; round robin and 
shortest time


-wareHouse class: wareHouse.h, wareHouse.cpp
-Orderqueue class: Orderqueue.h Orderqueue.cpp testOrderqueue.cpp
-Packer class: Packer.h Packer.cpp testPacker.cpp
-Retrieval class: Rertrieval.h Retrieval.cpp testRetrieval.cpp
-string2int class: string2int.h string2int.cpp
-Parser class: Parser.h, Parser.cpp, testParser.cpp
-main: main.cpp
-Order: Order.h

                           *Orderqueue class*
This class contains the functions required to create a queue(A sequence in this
case) and interact with the queue such as enqueueing(adding orders to the queue)
and dequeueing(removing completed orders from the queue). It also contains a 
function used to read in a list of of orders and populates a queue with them.
An expand function to expand the queue, an isEmpty function that checks whether 
or not a queue is empty, a numOrder and currSize variable that keeps track of 
the number of orders in a queue and the size of the queue respectively.
This class also has a test file called testOrderqueue.cpp that tests its

                        *Warehouse Class*                       
This class creates an instance of a queue to hold a list of orders read from a 
file by calling on the Orderqueue class' functions. It also has an instance of a 
Packer and Retrieval to send current orders to the packer and to process 
received orders respectively. The warehouse also has a masterclock that makes 
time conceptually possible and enables other classes to interact with orders in
respect to their individual fetch and processing times. It has a function that 
sends orders to the packer class depending on the method being used; round robin 
vs fastest time by using two helper functions. 

			   *Packer Class* 
This class creates an instance of a queue that holds all currently processing 
orders and keeps track of the number of orders currently in the packaging queue 
after receiving them from the retrieval queue and monitors their processing time
then dequeues them once they have been completely processed/packed. It also has 
a tickPacker function that keeps track of how much time has elapsed once it is
run. This class also has a test file called testPacker.cpp that tests its 

			   *Retrieval Class* 
This class gets sent orders from the warehouse and acts as a placeholder by 
holding all the orders in its queue until their individual fetch times have 
elapsed and then sends them to the packer class. 

This class creates the struct definition of Order that the whole program relies
on. It is the definition of the orders that are passed around the whole program. 

			     *string2int Class*
This class converts strings to integers and is used when reading information
about the program such as the number of packing units that the user passes
into the terminal

			        *Parser Class*
This class contains two files; Parser.h and Parser.cpp that takes a file as a 
parameter and initializes an initializes an instance of the Order class with
the values in the file. It is used to open and read in from the file that the
user passes as an argumentv in the command line.

				*main Class*
This class creates an instance of a wareHouse using its constructor and calls 
wareHouses' chronoKinesis function that runs the whole program.

			//General Implementation//
My implementationn for nozama online includes using a sequence as a queue 
because after reading the specs, i realized that I would have to access the 
queue a great number of times, so I decided on sequences as my data structure of
choice due to how easy it is to access different nodes in it.

My nozama online program will make use of three classes and a main function to 
run all the classes. My proposed classes include a warehouse class, a retrieval
class, an orderqueue class and a packer class along with the other classes 
provided. The Orderqueue class is used to create queues in the form of sequences
and all both the wareHouse and Retrieval class include an instance of an
Orderqueue, while the Packer contains an array of Orderqueues that serve as its
packing units. The warehouse's queue holds the orders that is read from the 
file specified by the user, then sends all these orders to an Orderqueue in a 
Retrieval queue declared in the wareHouse header file. This Orderqueue 
holds each order until their fetch time is elapsed. Then as each 
order's fetch time elapses, it sends them individually to the wareHouses' 
instance of the Packer class which also has a queue to save these orders in.

As far as implementing RoundRobin and Shortest Time goes in order to decide what
packaging unit to send the order to, I made a function in 
my wareHouse that took in an Order, the number of packaging units and the 
current time, and with the help of some helper functions, decides what unit to
send the order to, and then once their individual packing time elapses, calls 
another helper function that prints out the order details in the format 
specified before dequeueing them from the queue. I then call a function that 
checks for the condition that any and every Orderqueue in the Packer and 
Retrieval instances are both empty, and then once this condition is satisfied, 
terminates the program.

For implementing the concept of time, I have an infinite loop that serves as the
master clock in my warehouse and pass the current time as parameters to 
functions that require them to retrieve and pack.

		     //Compiling and Running My Program//
My program has a Makefile that compiles all the files used in my program by 
typing the keyword 'make' in the command line. My makefile also has an
executable called nozama that is used to run the program, and so running the
program would be; './nozama file.txt 3 XXXXXXX'. The parameters run along
with the executable are the name of the file containing the orders, the 
number of packing units that the client wants to run the simulation with, and
the mode that the simulation should be run with.


A program to simulate the ordering, retrieving, and packing processes of a warehouse using round robin and shortest time modes


Language:C++ 93.7%Language:Makefile 4.5%Language:C 1.7%