This is a simple scraper that converts the relevant parts of an actor or movie page on IMDB to a JSON document. Feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request if there are parts of the page that we have not yet added to the scraper.
This module uses downcache to store a local copy of each requested page on your local machine.
npm install
# movie by vernacular name
node index.js movie --name="The Godfather" > thegodfather.json
# actor by vernacular name
node index.js actor --name="Julianne Moore" > julianne_moore.json
# movie by IDMB id
node index.js movie --id=tt0074281 > carwash.json
# actor by IDMB id
node index.js actor --id=nm0001640 > richard_pryor.json
In the first two cases, the script uses the undocumented IMDB search API to resolve the input to a page. It's anecdotally very accurate, but be careful if you're running a large number of names through it to check them afterward.
var imdb = require("movie-data");
imdb.actor_by_id("nm0001640", function(actor) {
// other methods are "actor", "movie", "movie_by_id"
By default, downcache creates a local directory named "cache" for storing the HTML pages you request. You can adjust downcache's settings from the parent script if you so desire:
var imdb = require("movie-data"),
downcache = require("downcache");
dir: "/Users/myname/Desktop/movies/",
log: "verbose"
imdb.movie("Mean Girls", function(movie) {
The JSON should be fairly self explanatory. Here's are condensed examples:
{ id: 'tt0068646',
name: 'The Godfather',
date: '1972',
imdb_photo: 'http://ia.media-imdb.com/images/M/MV5BMjEyMjcyNDI4MF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMDA5Mzg3OA@@._V1_SX214_AL_.jpg',
{ director: [ [Object] ],
writers: [ [Object], [Object] ],
stars: [ [Object], [Object], [Object] ] },
[ { name: 'Marlon Brando',
id: 'nm0000008',
character: 'Don Vito Corleone' },
{ name: 'Al Pacino',
id: 'nm0000199',
character: 'Michael Corleone' },
{ name: 'James Caan',
id: 'nm0001001',
character: 'Sonny Corleone' },
{ name: 'Richard S. Castellano',
id: 'nm0144710',
And an actor readout:
{ id: 'nm0000194',
name: 'Julianne Moore',
imdb_photo: 'http://ia.media-imdb.com/images/M/MV5BMTM5NDI1MjE2Ml5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwNDE0Nzk0MDE@._V1_SY317_CR7,0,214,317_AL_.jpg',
[ { year: '2015',
name: 'Maggie's Plan',
id: 'tt3471098',
characters: {},
type: 'Movie',
status: 'filming' },
{ year: '2015',
name: 'The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 2',
id: 'tt1951266',
characters: [Object],
type: 'Movie',
status: 'post-production' },
{ year: '2015',
name: 'Freeheld',
id: 'tt1658801',
characters: [Object],
type: 'Movie',
status: 'post-production' },
{ year: '2014/I',
name: 'Seventh Son',
id: 'tt1121096',
characters: [Object],
type: 'Movie',
status: null },
{ year: '2014',
name: 'The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 1',
id: 'tt1951265',
characters: [Object],
type: 'Movie',
status: null },
{ year: '2014',
name: 'Still Alice',
id: 'tt3316960',
characters: [Object],
type: 'Movie',
status: null },
{ year: '2014',
name: 'Maps to the Stars',
id: 'tt2172584',
characters: [Object],
type: 'Movie',
status: null },
{ year: '1987',
name: 'I'll Take Manhattan',
id: 'tt0092378',
characters: [Object],
type: 'TV Mini-Series',
status: null } ],
{ 'Date of Birth':
{ birth_monthday: '12-3',
birth_year: '1960',
birth_place: 'Fayetteville, North Carolina, USA' },
'Birth Name': 'Julie Anne Smith',
Nickname: 'Juli',
Height: '5\' 4" (1.63 m)' } }