TimSoethout / LoCA

Runtime used in the evaluation of our paper: Static local coordination avoidance for distributed objects

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Local Coordination Avoidance Runtime

Used in evaluation of paper https://dl.acm.org/doi/abs/10.1145/3358499.3361222.

After cloning this project:

  1. Go to its folder and launch SBT:

     $ sbt

#. Compile everything and run all tests:

    > test

#. Start the application:

    > run

#. Browse to http://localhost:8001/tree or http://localhost:8001/graph for visualisation #. Browse to http://localhost:8080/ for http://localhost:8080/Account for REST endpoints

Useful sbt commands

  • run1 - run4 (run local with shared level DB)
  • cassandra (run a local C* instance on port 9042)
  • crun1 - crun4 (run local with C*)
  • grun1 - grun4 (run generated version from generated sources root with C*)
  • perf/gatling:test - a performance test (on already running generated version)
  • perf/gatling:testOnly com.ing.corebank.rebel.simple_transaction.simple.OpenAccountSimulation
  • AccountConsistencyChecker - consistency checker for accounts (based on generated version, requires C*)
  • bench/jmh:run -i 10 -wi 10 -f 2 -t 1 com.ing.rebel.benchmark.JmhBenchmarks - run micro benchmarks

Default workflow

  • sbt cassandra - start local Cassandra
  • sbt grun1 - start single node generated implementation
  • sbt perf/gatling:testOnly com.ing.corebank.rebel.simple_transaction.simple.OpenAccountSimulation - run a simple performance test

Benchmarks + results

  • export DATE=(date +"%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M_%S"); sbt "bench/jmh:run -rf csv -rff jmh_$DATE.csv -i 5 -wi 5 -f 1 -t 1 com.ing.rebel.benchmark.*PersistenceBenchmark"


  • sbt generated/docker:publishLocal - currently only works when rebuild all in IntelliJ is done, since it dumps all the files in the target/classes

  • docker-compose up - start in local docker: c* + seed + node

  • sbt perf/docker:publishLocal - gatling + scenario's in docker run with: docker-compose run performance


  • sbt generated/ecr:createRepository
  • sbt generated/ecr:login
  • sbt generated/ecr:push - implies previous steps
  • ecs-cli compose -f docker-compose-aws.yml up - starts c* + seed + kamon metrics board

In sbt:

  • generated/ecr:push
  • perf/ecr:push
  • grafana_influxdb/ecr:push

Publish this locally in your .ivy folder to be able to build the generated code in another project.

This is needed because the generated code depends on this artifact as a library.

    $ sbt publishLocal


This code is used for research and proof of concept. It is currently in no state to be used for production. Use at your own risk.


Runtime used in the evaluation of our paper: Static local coordination avoidance for distributed objects


Language:Scala 100.0%Language:Java 0.0%