TilakMaddy / ai-to-understand-woman

Women are weird - yes means no , no means yes and a yes after a no is called maybe ! This one predicts the real expected answer they want

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Women are weird - yes means no , no means yes and a yes after a no is called maybe ! This one predicts the real expected answer they want and save your self some lectures even though you do exactly what you are told

Why am I doing this ?

My mom keeps yelling at me everytime no matter what I do . She asks me to buy some bread and when I am back home I get scolded for not getting milk. Damn ! a million other things . So I thought of creating an artificial intelligence to sort of predict which is the best / most suitable answer to give when a question is asked :P

When will I do this ?

10 years from now

Thanks for taking interest in this and thanks for reading !

Chow !


Women are weird - yes means no , no means yes and a yes after a no is called maybe ! This one predicts the real expected answer they want