Tiberiu02 / inck

Space efficient, time efficient, web-based note taking app with real time collaboration.

Home Page:https://inck-client.vercel.app

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Caddie Mode

dorianherle opened this issue · comments

  • Dot follows the pen position with a certain z distance and certain damping (x,y,z).
  • When pen is in pointerdown state, the dot becomes very faint (sigma curve for transparency from alpha=0.4 to alpha=0.1)

Very faint, and not completely gone, because if you are writing and want to change tools quickly, you don't want to have to wait x ms before the transparency is low again.

  • When click+release on dot radial menu appears very very quickly.
  • When click+hold on dot, the dot position can be changed
  • When the new pen position and old bottom position are greater than normal following distance + a little bit, the dot disappears from the old position and smoothly reappears at the new position (standard offset from pen position)

Why? This way we avoid the dot "runs" all across the screen if one greatly changes pen position or has moved the dot far away.

  • Edge case when the standard offset is outside the screen/covers Fullscreen button