Tianfang-Zhang / CAS-ViT

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

CAS-ViT: Convolutional Additive Self-attention Vision Transformers for Efficient Mobile Applications

Official Implementation of our proposed method CAS-ViT.

Comparison of diverse self-attention mechanisms. (a) is the classical multi-head self-attention in ViT. (b) is the separable self-attention in MobileViTv2, which reduces the feature metric of a matrix to a vector. (c) is the swift self-attention in SwiftFormer, which achieves efficient feature association only with Q and K. (d) is proposed convolutional additive self-attention.

Upper: Illustration of the classification backbone network. Four stages downsample the original image to 1/4, 1/8, 1/16, 1/32 . Lower: Block architecture with N_i blocks stacked in each stage.


1. Requirements


2. Data Prepare

Download ImageNet-1K dataset.

│  ├── n01440764
│  │   ├── n01440764_10026.JPEG
│  │   ├── n01440764_10027.JPEG
│  │   ├── ......
│  ├── ......
│  ├── ILSVRC2012_val_00000293.JPEG
│  ├── ILSVRC2012_val_00002138.JPEG
│  ├── ......

Load image from ./classification/data/imagenet1k/train.txt.

3. Model Zoo

Please refer Model Zoo


License:MIT License


Language:Python 100.0%