TiagoPortfolio / the-god-stack

Docker Graphql Nodejs React and Apollo BoilerPlate

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The God Stack Starter - Docker Graphql Nodejs React and Apollo

This is a boilerplate! =)

The name GodStack is a joke with the fullStack idea (Front+back)

GodStack should be something like (DBA+Devops+back+front)... maybe more... why not? ;)

Devops instructions

You gonna need docker and docker-compose on your machine!

Every distro has its own way to install docker:

Just find yours googling: docker install < DISTRO NAME >

Database instructions

Databases available in this project at the moment:

  • Mariadb (as a docker container)
  • Postgres (soon)
  • MongoDb (soon)
  • Neo4j (soon)

BackEnd instructions

Pattern: Domain Driven Design (DDD)

More about it: https://bit.ly/2O14Ddp (it will download a pdf)

This is not an Rest API, it is an GraphQl, so there is NO routes, just Qls. (Keep that in your mind!)

Any doubts abou the qls? just go to: https://graphql.org/

Apollo server: https://www.apollographql.com/docs/apollo-server/

FrontEnd instructions

Pattern: Atomic Design

More about it: https://bradfrost.com/blog/post/atomic-web-design/

Apollo Client will take care of this things for us, this is why we are not using redux or axios. And we are using hooks.

Any Doubts go to:

Do you like it? Take a look at: https://github.com/trojanowski/react-apollo-hooks


Install Instructions - Lets do IT!

STEP 1 - Soul preparation

Grab a beer, wine or juice, because it is just an automated task. =)

STEP 2 - Devops (this may take a bit to complete!)

Build nodejs image (depending on your hardware this may take a while, be patient!):

With docker and docker-compose installed jut go to the ROOT project folder:

docker build -t thegodstack-nodejs-knex registry-thegodstack/nodejs-knex

STEP 3 - Changing your hosts (MAC AND LINUX) ==> (MANDATORY) <==

You need to go to your /etc/hosts file and ADD the lines below:   proxy.local.thegodstack.com   mariadb.local.thegodstack.com   api.local.thegodstack.com   spa.local.thegodstack.com

Now it will be possible to use a real full address, and not the old (and lame) 'localhost:port'

P.S.: There is an hosts file on windows aswell, but I do not know where, try google! =)

STEP 4 - Starting everything!

Creating database:

  • MariaDb:
    docker-compose up -d mariadb.local.thegodstack.com && docker exec -it mariadb.local.thegodstack.com /bin/sh -c "mysql -uroot -pthegodstackpass -hlocalhost -e 'CREATE DATABASE thegodstack'"

Starting everything:

docker-compose up

STEP 5 - Seeding

docker exec -it api.local.thegodstack.com yarn seedDb

STEP 6 - Access Urls

  • API: api.local.thegodstack.com
  • SPA: spa.local.thegodstack.com

STEP 7 - Running Test

  • BackEnd (soon): docker exec -it api.local.thegodstack.com yarn test
  • FrontEnd: docker exec -it spa.local.thegodstack.com yarn test

Step 8 - Insomnia (GraphQl)

We are using GraphQl so Postman is not a good call, but we have insomnia to help us:

Download it here: https://insomnia.rest/download/

If you are using any kind of Linux that is not Ubuntu I strongly recomend to Download the AppImage package.

Here: https://github.com/getinsomnia/insomnia/releases/

ex: Insomnia-7.0.3.AppImage or Insomnia-<LAST_VERSION>.AppImage

Open insomnia and import the confs from: api/docs

Extra Info

As you can figure it out by docker-compose.yml, there is this variables

It will be used on seeding!


Docker Graphql Nodejs React and Apollo BoilerPlate


Language:JavaScript 89.3%Language:Shell 8.3%Language:Dockerfile 2.1%Language:HTML 0.3%