TiagoPortfolio / javascript-components

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Bag App Exercise

Imagine that you are working with your team to develop a checkout / bag application for an e-commerce platform. You decided to go for the following technology stack:

  • Vanilla Javascript Components
  • Webpack
  • ES6 (Babel)
  • SASS
  • Axios
  • Jest

Your colleagues already built a good part of the application which consists of a responsive header, footer and content areas.

They already made a mock API with a sample of user data and started to integrate it with the UI by calling the GET endpoint and listing the user's products on first load (see instructions below).

In this exercise you are required to revise what's already been done so far, and complete the following missing requirements:

Feature 1 - The Header

As a user, I want to see a header containing the page title and the current total value of the products in my bag.

Acceptance Criteria

  • The header should follow all visual requirements in the layout references.
  • Given there are N products in the system, user should see the sum of their prices in the header.

Feature 2 - Item Removal

As a user, I want to be able to click the X button on the product card to remove it from my list.

Acceptance Criteria

  • When user clicks on the X button on the product card, the application should call the DELETE API endpoint for that item and update the content area and the current total on the header to reflect the change.

Non-functional Requirements

  1. App must run on latest versions of the following browsers: Chrome, Firefox, Edge (or Safari if you are using a Mac).

Mobile Layout Reference


  1. General

    • Font Family: Georgia
    • Font Color: #222
  2. Header

    • Background Color: #E6E6E6

    • Size: 100px tall, full width

    • Text is vertically center aligned inside header

    • Title

      • Font Style: 20px Bold
      • Margin Left: 24px
    • Price

      • Font Style: 15px Regular
      • Margin Right: 24px
  3. Card Container

    • Margin: 24px
    • Grid Layout: 1 column with cards
    • Gap Between Cards: 12px
  4. Card

    • Size: 175px tall

    • Border: 1px solid #B6B6B6

    • Image alignment: left

    • Remove Button Alignment: top right

    • Text (brand and price) is vertically and horizontally center aligned

    • Product Information Container

      • Background Color: #F6F6F6
      • Brand Name Font Style: 15px bold
      • Price Font Style: 15px regular
      • Distance Between Brand and Price: 6px
  5. Footer

    • Size: 50px tall with full width
    • Background Color: #E6E6E6
    • Text is vertically and horizontally center aligned
    • Font Style: 12px regular

Desktop Layout Reference


  1. General

    • Font Family: Georgia
    • Font Color: #222
  2. Header

    • Background Color: #E6E6E6

    • Size: 150px tall, full width

    • Text is vertically center aligned inside header

    • Title

      • Font Style: 20px Bold
    • Price

      • Font Style: 15px Regular
      • Top distance from title: 16px
  3. Card Container

    • Margin: 60px
    • Grid Layout: 3 column with cards
    • Gap Between Cards: 18px
  4. Card

    • Size: 310px tall

    • Border: 1px solid #B6B6B6

    • Image Container

      • Size: 70% tall 100% width of card
      • Background: white
    • Image

      • Size: 130px tall, 175px wide
      • Alignment: center (vertically and horizontally)
    • Remove Button Alignment: top right

    • Text (brand and price) is vertically and horizontally center aligned

    • Product Information Container

      • Background Color: #F6F6F6
      • Brand Name Font Style: 15px bold
      • Price Font Style: 15px regular
      • Distance Between Brand and Price: 6px
  5. Footer

    • Size: 100px tall with full width
    • Background Color: #E6E6E6
    • Text is vertically and horizontally center aligned
    • Font Style: 15px regular

Starting the Project

  1. If you don't already have it, install node.js
  2. Install dependencies:
$ npm install
$ npm run build


For this exercise we provide a simple mock API as a local node express server. To start the local server, follow the instructions bellow:

  1. If you don't already have it, install node.js
  2. Start the server:
$ npm run server

By default the API will run on http://localhost:3000.

It will accept only two endpoints calls:

  • GET /bag
  • DELETE /bag/<bag-id>/items/<item-id>

You can assume <bag-id> to always be 'bag1'.

Running Development Environment

Don't forget to start the mock API server, so:

$ npm run server
$ npm run dev

Run Tests

$ npm test


  • We are expecting a simple solution to this problem. No need to over-engineer it nor introduce unnecessary complexity.
  • You are allowed to refactor existing code if you feel it's necessary. Just remember to describe the reasons for it.



Language:JavaScript 76.1%Language:CSS 23.9%