TiZorii / goit-pycore-hw-07

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Home task. Working with Files and Modular System

Task Description

Task 1

First, let's add additional functionality to the classes from the previous homework:

  • Add a field named birthday for the date of birth in the Record class. This field should be of type Birthday. This field is optional but can only occur once.
class Birthday(Field):
def **init**(self, value):
try: # Add data correctness check # and convert the string to a datetime object
except ValueError:
raise ValueError("Invalid date format. Use DD.MM.YYYY")

class Record:
def **init**(self, name):
self.name = Name(name)
self.phones = []
self.birthday = None
  • Add functionality to work with Birthday in the Record class, namely a function named add_birthday, which adds the birthday to the contact.
  • Add validation for the provided values for the Phone and Birthday fields.
  • Add and adapt to the AddressBook class our function from the fourth homework, week 3, get_upcoming_birthdays, which returns a list of users who need to be greeted for their birthdays in the next week.

Now, your bot should specifically work with the functionality of the AddressBook class. This means that instead of the contacts dictionary, we use book = AddressBook().

Task 2

To implement the new functionality, also add handler functions with the following commands:

  • add-birthday - adds the birthday in the format DD.MM.YYYY to the contact.
  • show-birthday - displays the birthday of the contact.
  • birthdays - returns a list of users who need to be greeted for their birthdays in the next week.
def add_birthday(args, book):
    # implementation

def show_birthday(args, book):
    # implementation

def birthdays(args, book):
    # implementation

So in the end, our bot should support the following list of commands:

  1. add [name] [phone]: Add a new contact with the name and phone number, or add a phone number to an existing contact.
  2. change [name] [old phone] [new phone]: Change the phone number for the specified contact.
  3. phone [name]: Show the phone numbers for the specified contact.
  4. all: Show all contacts in the address book.
  5. add-birthday [name] [birthdate]: Add a birthdate for the specified contact.
  6. show-birthday [name]: Show the birthdate for the specified contact.
  7. birthdays: Show the birthdays that will occur during the next week.
  8. hello: Get a greeting from the bot.
  9. close or exit: Close the program.
def main():
    book = AddressBook()
    print("Welcome to the assistant bot!")
    while True:
        user_input = input("Enter a command: ")
        command, *args = parse_input(user_input)

        if command in ["close", "exit"]:
            print("Good bye!")

        elif command == "hello":
            print("How can I help you?")

        elif command == "add":
            # implementation

        elif command == "change":
            # implementation

        elif command == "phone":
            # implementation

        elif command == "all":
            # implementation

        elif command == "add-birthday":
            # implementation

        elif command == "show-birthday":
            # implementation

        elif command == "birthdays":
            # implementation

            print("Invalid command.")

For example, let's consider the implementation of the add [name] [phone] command. In the main function, we need to add handling for this command in the appropriate place:

elif command == "add":
print(add_contact(args, book))

The implementation of the add_contact function may look like this:

def add_contact(args, book: AddressBook):
name, phone, \*\* = args
record = book.find(name)
message = "Contact updated."
if record is None:
record = Record(name)
message = "Contact added."
if phone:
return message

Our add_contact function has two purposes - adding a new contact or updating the phone for an existing contact in the address book.

The parameters of the function are the args argument list and the address book book.

  • First, the function unpacks the args list, obtaining the name and phone from the first two elements of the list. The rest of the arguments are ignored using \*\_. Then the find method of the book object performs a search for a record with the name. If a record with such a name exists, the method returns this record, otherwise it returns None.

  • If the record is not found, then it is a new contact, and the function creates a new Record object with the name and adds it to the book by calling the add_record method. After adding a new record, the message variable is assigned the message "Contact added". if the operation was successful.

  • Then, regardless of whether the record was found or a new one was created, a phone number is added to this record using the add_phone method if it was provided. Finally, the function returns a message about the result of its work: "Contact updated". if the contact was updated or "Contact added". if the contact was added. To handle input errors and display the appropriate error message, we use the @input_error decorator.



Language:Python 100.0%