Thyplozix / twitch_shoutout

Twitch Shout out command. !so channelname. This will display a random clip and say a shout out message in chat.

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Twitch Shout-out overlay

What is this?

This is a Twitch Shout-Out generator, browser source overlay for OBS. This project uses TMIJS, javascript, html, css. It is client-side code that can run locally (localhost) or on your own server.

Bug reports and issues can be posted here:

Future development can be tracked here:

Chat command:

!so @MrCoolStreamer OR !so MrCoolStreamer OR use a custom command.

You can also shout-out multiple channels like: !so @MrCoolStreamer @WillStreamForBeer @RetroGamer @GamerGamingGames. If you have timeOut=20, it will play a shout-out every 20 seconds for each person in the !so command.

This can also be used to keep your viewers entertained on your BRB or starting soon scenes. !so @teklynk @teklynk @teklynk @teklynk Be sure to disable text overlay and chat message. You may want to set this as a seperate browser source with a different shout-out command like: !brb @teklynk @teklynk @teklynk @teklynk


!watchclip Play a clip that was posted into chat.

!stopclip to stop/reload the browser source in case a clip is just way too long, cringey or playing at an inappropriate time. Limited to Mods and Streamer. Can also use (!sostop, !stopso, !stopclip, !clipstop, !clipreload).

!replayso, !soreplay, !clipreplay, !replayclip will replay the previous shout-out clip. Maybe you just have to see that clip again :)


Show chat message: Displays a chat message like: "Go check out MrCoolStreamer! They were playing: Retro - Super Mario Brothers | Some more gaming -"

Show a random clip: This will show a random clip from the user that you are shouting out. Pulls the most recent top 20 popular clips.

Show the most recent clip: This will show the most recent popular clip.

Show profile image: This will show the users profile image if no clips exist.

Show text on top of clip: Displays a title on top of the video clip "Go check out MrCoolStreamer".

Mods only: Limit the !so to mods and streamer.

Duration: Max amount of time that the clip plays for.

Custom Command: If not set, the default is: !so.

Lower Video Quality: Will pull a lower quality video clip. Some clips may not have a lower quality available.

Shout-out multiple channels with one command: !so @MrCoolStreamer @WillStreamForBeer @RetroGamer @GamerGamingGames.

Automatically shout-out a creator when they raid you: Viewer count can be adjusted to avoid solo raids.


  • Enable OBS browser source hardware acceleration in Settings -> Advanced in OBS.

  • Be sure to set "Shutdown source when not visible", "Control audio via OBS", "Refresh browser when scene becomes active" on the OBS Browser Source properties.

  • You can not shout-out a user while a clip is playing. You will need to wait for the clip to finish before doing another shout-out command.

URL Parameters

channel=Your channel name

showClip=true/false Shows a random popular clip.

showRecentClip=true/false Shows the most recent popular clip.

lowQuality=true/false Pulls a lower quality video clip... if one is available.

showImage=true/false Shows profile image if no clips exist.

showMsg=true/false Shows a message in chat. ie: "Go check out {channel}! - They were playing: {game} - {title} -"

showText=true/false Shows "Go check out {channel}" on top of the clip.

modsOnly=true/false Limits !so to mods only. If false, everyone can use the !so command.

timeOut=seconds The MAX number of seconds that the clip will play for. Shorter clips will simply end before the timeout and the timeout will reset to zero.

ref=base64 Auth token - This is the "obfuscated" auth token. This is only needed if displaying a shout-out message in chat. Please do not share the url with others.

command=string Custom command option: ie: so, soclip, playclip. No need to include the ! symbol.

customMsg=string Custom message to display in chat. {channel}, {game}, {title}, {url} are variables that can be used in the custom message.

customTitle=string Custom title to display on overlay. {channel}, {url} are variables that can be used in the custom title.

raided=true/false Enable this to automatically shout-out a creator when they raid you.

delay=integer Sets a delay for automatic shout-outs.

raidCount=integer Max number of raiders for automatic shout-outs.

Example: http://localhost/twitch_shoutout/shoutout.html?channel=mrcoolstreamer&showClip=true&showRecentClip=false&showMsg=true&showText=true&showImage=true&modsOnly=true&timeOut=10&raided=true&delay=10&raidCount=3&command=so&lowQuality=true&customMsg={channel}%20is%20awesome!%20Last%20seen%20playing%20{game}%20-%20{title}%20{url}&customTitle=Check%20out%20this%20cool%20streamer%20{channel}%20{url}&ref=abcd1234xyz

Twitch oAuth token

This overlay requires a Twitch Access token if you want to send a shout-out message in chat.

Tokens can be generated here:

When generating a Twitch Access token, be sure to select "Bot Chat Token".

If you want your bot account to reply in chat after the !so command, I suggest creating tokens using your bots account. To do this, you will need to sign in to Twitch using your bot account before visiting twitchtokengenerator.

Custom CSS

Add this CSS to the OBS browser source and modify as needed.

video {
    width: 100%;
    height: auto;
    max-height: 100%;
    border-radius: 10px;

#text-container {
    width: 100%;
    margin: 40px 0;
    position: absolute;

.title-text {
    font-family: Basic, Helvetica, sans-serif;
    font-weight: bold;
    font-size: 5vw;
    word-wrap: break-word;
    color: #fff;
    text-align: center;
    text-shadow: 2px 2px #000;


Twitch Shout out command. !so channelname. This will display a random clip and say a shout out message in chat.


Language:JavaScript 82.3%Language:HTML 16.1%Language:CSS 1.6%