Thuggonaut / 42IC_Exams

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(If you're reading this, I apologize this is chaotic - they're my personal notes while studying for exam rank 02)



int     main(int argc, char **argv)
        char    *s = argv[1];

        if (argc == 2)
        write(1, "\n", 1);
        while (*s)
                printf("%c (%d)\n", *s, *s);
        printf("\\0 (%d)\n", *s); //This line should output 0 as the ascii value. Any different will imply an error or misinterpretation of the \0 handling in the code
        return (0);

ft_swap *tmp vs tmp


% vs /

rotate formula







list manipulation

bitwise operations

prime vs composite numbers







  • Account for:
    1. *tmp vs tmp
    2. int tmp; doesn't need a pointer because it temporarily stores a regular integer.
    3. *a and *b are pointers because the values they point to, can be modified.


  • Account for:
    1. putchar_times(char c, int n)
    2. formula for n:
      • LC: (*s + 1) - 'a'
      • UC: (*s + 1) - 'A'

% vs /

  1. \ integer division, yields the quotient without the remainder.
    • result will be 0, if the dividen is smaller than the divisor.
  2. % modulo, yields the remainder, not the quotient.
    • result will be 0 if division is even.
    • result will be the dividend, if it is smaller than the divisor.

rotate formula

  • Account for:
    1. UC and LC
    2. *s = (((*s - 'A' + key) % 26) + 'A')


  • Account for:
    1. int digit; stores the digit, one at a time
    2. Use recursion, if() loop with (n / 10) to "descend" through, and removing each digit, from the rightmost, to the leftmost.
    3. At base case, when n < 9, digit is updated to the ASCII value of the char represenation of the digit, e.g. 1 becomes "1" which is 49 in ASCII.
    4. Print the ASCII value (e.g. integer 49) at the address of &digit.
    5. Go back to each recursive call, printing the ASCII rightmost digit of n until all digits have printed, from leftmost, to rightmost.


  • Remember, it only converts the inital portion of a string: "*&!+12345. 6789" will print "12345".
  • Account for:
    1. int sign; for negative values
    2. int result; initialized to 0 for the formula to work, and stores the converted value
    3. Skip leading whitespace between 9 and 13, and including ' ' and '+'.
    4. Search for chars that represent digits.
    5. If found, convert the chars to integers. res will be an accumulated value starting from res = 0. res = (res * 10) + (*s++ - '0');
    6. If no digits found, return (0).


  • Account for:
    1. int value to store digit value of current character when iterating through each character.
    2. Check for each character, if digit, LC or UC. Formula of value for each: 3. digit: *s - ‘0’ 4. LC: *s - ‘a’ + 10 5. UC: *s - ‘A’ + 10 - Where 10 represents the base the assignment asks us to convert to.
    3. Break program if character is not digit, UC or LC, or
    4. if value is >= the base.
    5. Result formula: res = (res * base) + value, the same as ft_atoi()


  • Account for:
    1. abs() to get the absoloute value of len = (end - start) + 1 when end is a negative number.
    2. temp variable to iterate the array, and preserve the pointer to the begining of array.
    3. Use len-- > 0 to iterate in either case: 4. Check if range increases, start <= end 5. Else the range decreases, in which case, start value decreases.
    4. We're printing from the leftmost to the right, hence tmp++ = start++/--


  • Is the same, except in reverse
  • Everything the same except:
    1. len = start - end
    2. end decrements or increments depending if end increases or dereases range. Recall, we're printing from the rightmost to left, hence tmp = end


  • Need to find the lowest common multiple.
    1. Check conditions for returning 0.
    2. n variable to store possible common multiples
    3. assign to n the larger value between a and b
    4. Create infinite loop, while (1) (because non-zero values always true) 5. increment n until a common multiple is found 6. where n is divisble by both a and b with no remainders


  • Account for:
    1. len_digits()
      • len variable to return
      1. account for a negative number
      2. account for 0
      3. iterate through each digit to retrieve the length? n /= 10 until n == 0
    2. ft_itoa()
      • str variable to return
      1. account for longer integer types which int cannot cover
      • length of number is needed to allocate enough memory for the comverted string
      1. account for negative numbers, both in value, and in the string
      2. account for if number is 0
      3. assign the digit value, backwards for each string character. Formula:
        • *(str + len - 1) = n % 10 + '0'
        • n /= 10
        • decrement len, assigning each digit, backwards.

list manipulation

  • Testing:
    1. Declare individual nodes
      • allocate memory for each node malloc(sizeof(t_list)
      • assign the data
      • assign the next pointers
      • printf the list function or the list data
      • free all the nodes


  • Account for 1.


  • Account for:
    1. current pointer
    2. previous pointer = NULL, to update the next pointer of the previous node when a node is removed
    3. while current list
    4. check if current->data and data_ref is = 0 5. check if current is head node, if previous pointer = NULL - update headnode to skip to the current's next node before removal *begin_list = current->next 6. else not headnode - update previous's next node to skip prev->next = current->next 7. free(current) after removal (via skipping) 8. reset current = prev
    5. prev = current too keep track of previous before future removal
    6. current = current->next move to the next node


  • Think about ft_swap()
  • Account for:
    1. int temp to store values while nodes are swapped
    2. *head = lst keep track of top node
    3. while (lst->next) iterate 4. check against *cmp() if the current data, and the lst->next->data == 0 for false 5. if so, do the swap the data: - tmp = current - current = next - next = tmp - lst = head update top node pointer 6. if not, do the skip - lst = lst->next
    4. lst = head ensure it points to the top of sorted list before returning

bitwise operations

  • Each bit's worth:
    1. In binary, each bit is worth n to the power of 2: 2^n
    2. n is the position of the bit from the rightmost bit to the leftmost.
    3. 1 is "on", 0 is "off".
  • Operators:
    1. & "AND" results in 1 if both bits are 1, else it'll result in 0.
    2. | "OR" results in 1 if either or bits is 1.
    3. ~ "NOT" flips the bits 1s to 0s, making the binary number a "two's complement", where the leftmost bit idicates a positive 0 or negative 1.
    4. ^ "XOR" results in 1 if either bit is 1, and 0 if both bits are the same, e.g. both are 1 or 0.
    5. << shifts the bits left, filling in 0s from the right.
    6. >> shifts the bits right, filling in 0s from the left.
  • Compound assignment:
    1. Each operator can be used with = e.g. a &= b, equivalent to a = a & b.
  • Bitmask:
    1. 15 = 0000 1111, but can also use >> 4
    2. 240 = 1111 0000, but can also use << 4


  • while (bit--)

prime vs composite numbers

  • Prime numbers:
    1. A number greater than 1, but is not the product of multiplying two smaller numbers: 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, ....
    2. Has only two distinct positive divisors: 1 and itself.
  • Composite numbers:
    1. A number that has divisors other than 1 and itself, and can be divided evenly: 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, ....
  • Prime factors:
    1. Are the prime numbers that divide a given number exactly, without leaving a remainder.
      • For example, the prime factors of 12 are 2, 2, and 3, because 2 * 2 * 3 equals 12.
    2. The prime factors of a number are the building blocks that, when multiplied together, give the original number
  • add_prime_sum():

  • Re prime numbers.
    1. ft_atoi() to convert argv[1].
    2. ft_putnbr() to print the sum result.
      • char digit
      • if() recursion
    3. is_prime(unsigned int) to check for prime numbers:
      • Account for:
        1. i initialised to 2 to look for factors (n divisible by i with no remainder)
        2. Check if n is 1 or negative, not a prime, return (0)
        3. Iterate from i * i to n, return (0) if n % i == 0
        4. Return (1) if n is prime.
    4. add_prime_sum() to add all the prime of a number:
      • Account for:
        1. unsigned int res to store converted atoi
        2. unsigned int sum to store the sum result, initialised to 0 for accumulation
        3. unsigned int i to iterate. Initialised to 2, the smallest prime
        4. Iterate from 2 to res, checking for primes, and accumulate sum
        5. print sum at the end of the iterations.
  • fprime():

  • Re prime factors.
    1. int i to iterate. Initialised to 2, the smallest prime
    2. ensure 1 is printed if n == 1
    3. Loop until n = 1 because any number multiplied by 1 is valid.
    4. if n % i == 0, it is divided evenly, and we print the first prime factor.
    5. if n /= i > 1, then n needs to be multiplied by another prime factor, another building block, to give us the original number.
      • print the * before retrieving the next prime factor.
    6. increment i if needed, to find the next prime factor where there are no remainders.
    7. ensure fprime() is called when input is a positive number.


  • Account for:
    1. ft_atoi() since argv is type char
    2. if n > 16 print_hex() recursively calls itself with n / 16 becuase, 'base 16'
    3. char *hex that contains the base 16 values
    4. write hex[n % 16]

powers, base, exponents

  • lowest power of 2 is 1
  • Always check if n is 0


  • Use recursion.
  • Account for:
    1. variable target to store the begin points of the array, e.g. tab[x][y]
    2. fill() helper function 3. check each x and y points are within ranges >= 0 to size && check if current points == target 4. if conditions met, assign the current points the character to be replaced with 5. recursively call itself with: 1. x + 1, y filling the right of x 2. x - 1, y filling the left of x 3. x, y + 1 filling the top of y 4. x, y - 1 filling the bottom of y
    3. Call fill() with the begin points
  • Caution where x and y is placed, e.g., must be tab[y][x] not tab[x][y]


  • Account for:
    1. ft_strlen() and use len-- to iterate backwards
    2. int end to track last character of a word
    3. int start to tract first character
    4. int flag which = start to keep track of the last word. 0 implies the end of the string.
    5. Make sure the \0 isn't printed.


  • Account for:
    1. malloc first word to print last
      • Length of first word
    2. Temp variables for original string and for first word to preserve pointers and be able to iterate NOTE: Order of executions
    3. Skip leading whitespace and "discard"
    4. Check for first word and length
    5. Iterate through remaining string, and again, caution re order of conditions
      • for an word ending character, print 1 space, remember the '\0' at end of string, need space also
      • else write the character as is
    6. Print the first word


  • Account for:
    1. word_count()
    2. ft_split()
      • word count
      • **result array
      • array index [i]
      1. skip leading whitespace
      2. Break if end of string
      3. word start index
      4. word length
      5. allocate memory of word in array[i]
      6. copy current word
        • array[i][word] = start[word]
      7. null terminate word, move to next




  1. unsigned char res = 0; int i = 8;
  2. while (i--) 3. res <<= 1; 4. res |= octet & 1; 5. octet >>= 1;


  • SWAP
  1. char *start; *end; tmp;
  2. while (*end)
    • end++;
    • end--;
  3. while (start < end)
    • tmp = *end;
    • swap


  1. int i = 8;
  2. while (i--) 3. if octet >> i & 1 - write "1" 4. else - write "0"



  1. ft_atoi(simple);
  2. put_nbr(int);
    • char digit
    • if n > 9 recursion(n /10);
    • digit = n % 10 + '0'
    • write &digit
  3. int is_prime(int):
    • int i = 2;
    • return 0 if n <= 1;
    1. while (i * i <= n)
      • if n % i == 0 return (0) i++;
    2. return (1);
  4. add_prime_sum(int n)
    • int sum = 0; i = 2;
    1. while i <= n
      • if is_prime(i)
        • sum += i;
      • i++;


  1. int res = 0; int sign = 1; int value;
  2. if '-', sign = -1, s++;
  3. while (s) 4. if digit - value = *s - '0'; 5. if LC - value = *s - 'a' + 10; 6. if UC - value = *s - 'A' + 10; 7. else invalid - break ; 8. if value >= base - break ; 9. res = (res * base) + value;


  1. int len = abs(start - end) + 1; opposit of ft_range
  2. int *array = malloc
  3. int *temp = array;
  4. if start <= end
    • while len-- > 0;
    • *tmp++ = end--;
  5. else
    • while len-- > 0;
    • *tmp++ = end++;


  • SWAP
  1. unsigned int gcd(unsigned int a, unsigned int b) 2. unsigned int tmp; 3. while b != 0 - tmp = b; - b = a % b; - a = tmp; 4. return a;
  2. in int main(), first check if argc != 3, then print \n and return 1



  • SWAP
  1. int tmp; t_list *head = lst;
  2. while (list->next) 3. if cmp() first two nodes - tmp = lst->data; - swap - lst = head; 4. else - skip to next node
  3. lst = head;


  1. t_list *curr = *begin_list; t_list *prev = NULL;
  2. while curr 3. if cmp() 4. if prev == NULL, curr is head - skip to next node 5. else not head - skip curr node: prev->next = curr->next; 6. prev = curr; 7. curr = curr->next


  • SWAP
  1. unsigned int i = 0; int tmp;
  2. while i < size - 1 3. if tab[i] > tab [i + 1] - temp = tab[i]; - swap - reset i = 0; 4. else i++;



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