Throvn / vscode-nand2tetris

A Visual Studio Code extension for handeling Nand2Tetris course assignments.

Home Page:

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Nand2Tetris - Extension

License: MIT Maintenance Badge for installs for Visual Studio Code extension Nand2Tetris

What's in it?

  • Syntax highlighting for the HDL language, Assembly and Jack code from the Nand2Tetris Course
  • Snippets for all gate types
  • New Icons which allow you to find the necessary files faster

Get up and running right away

Install via vs-code marketplace

  1. Just click install and select the icon theme Nand2Tetris Theme
  2. Start focusing on the real tasks

Install via command line

  1. Download nand2tetris-0.0.6.vsix.
  2. Run code --install-extension nand2tetris-0.0.5.vsix


Code completion

Syntax highlighting

Assembly syntax & Jack highlighting

Assembly Syntax

The icons

Icon Pack

Known Issues

No issues known.

Release Notes

0.0.6 - Fixed bugs

0.0.4 - Added missing chips

0.0.3 - Jack support & new Icons

  • Support for Jack

    • Syntax highlighting for .jack

    • Snippet completion for .jack

  • Recreation of icon pack

Still beta release though.


-> Downgraded the minimum required Visual Studio Code version for the extension


Beta release... feel free to open an issue if you have any problems.

-> Added syntax highlighting for .asm and .hdl

-> Added icon pack with the following icons

  1. .asm
  2. .hdl
  3. .hack
  4. .cmp
  5. .tst
  6. .out



A Visual Studio Code extension for handeling Nand2Tetris course assignments.

License:MIT License