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A Pony Town custom server

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A Pony Town custom server


Pony Town's code is released to public domain. The art and music assets are released under the CC BY-NC 4.0 non-commercial license. The assets cannot be used for commercial purposes in any way including crowdfunding such as Patreon or PayPal donations without permission. See LICENSE_CODE.txt, LICENSE_ART.txt and LICENSE_MUSIC.txt files for definitions. To discuss licensing, contact


Before you clone

Ensure you have Git LFS installed before you clone the repo! Git LFS is required to pull down the asset files the game uses, as storing them in normal Git would stuff up the tree pretty badly.


Once you have the project cloned, open your terminal of choice (Command Prompt, bash, etc), navigate to the directory you cloned the project in, and run:

npm install

Setting up Database

  • Install MongoDB
  • Start mongo from command line (you may need to go to C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\4.0\bin path on windows to run the command)
  • Type use your_database_name to create database
  • Type db.new_collection.insert({ some_key: "some_value" }) to initialize database
  • Type
        user: "your_username",
        pwd: "your_password",
        roles: [ { role: "readWrite", db: "your_database_name" } ]
    to create database user.
  • Type quit() to exit mongo

Setting up OAuth keys

Get OAuth keys for authentication platform of your choice (github, google, twitter, facebook, vkontakte)


  • Go to create new OAuth app.
  • Set authorization callback URL to http://<your domain>/auth/github/callback or http://localhost:8090/auth/github/callback for localhost server.
  • Add this to oauth field in your config.json
"github": {
  "clientID": "<your_client_id>",
  "clientSecret": "<your_client_secret>"


  • Go to create new app.
  • Set callback URL to http://<your domain>/auth/twitter/callback or http://localhost:8090/auth/twitter/callback for localhost server.
  • Add this to oauth field in your config.json
"twitter": {
  "consumerKey": "<your_consumer_key>",
  "consumerSecret": "<your_consumer_secret>"


  • Go to create new project from dropdown at the top, go to credentials and create new entry.
  • Add to Authorized JavaScript origins http://<your domain> or http://localhost:8090/ for localhost server.
  • Add to Authorized redirect URIs http://<your domain>/auth/google/callback or http://localhost:8090/auth/google/callback for localhost server.
  • Add this to oauth field in your config.json
"google": {
  "clientID": "<your_client_id>",
  "clientSecret": "<your_client_secret>"


  • Go to add a new app.
  • Add "Facebook Login" product to your app
  • Enable "Web OAuth Login"
  • Add https://<your domain>/auth/facebook/callback to Valid OAuth Redirect URIs
  • Add this to oauth field in your config.json (You can find App ID and App Secret in Settings > Basic section)
"facebook": {
  "clientID": "<your_app_id>",
  "clientSecret": "<your_app_secret>",
  "graphApiVersion": "v3.1"


  • Go to and create new app
  • Set Authorized redirect URI to http://<your domain>/auth/vkontakte/callback or http://localhost:8090/auth/vkontakte/callback for localhost server.
  • Add this to oauth field in your config.json
"vkontakte": {
  "clientID": "<your_app_id>",
  "clientSecret": "<secure_key>"


  • Go to and create a new app
  • Navigate to the OAuth2 tab
  • Add http://<your domain>/auth/discord/callback (or http://localhost:8090/auth/discord/callback for your localhost server) as a redirect URI
  • Navigate back to the General Information tab
  • Add this to the oauth field in your config.json
"discord": {
  "clientID": "<your_client_id>",
  "clientSecret": "<your_client_secret>"


If you want to add other sign-in methods you need to find appropriate passport package and add it in src/ts/server/oauth.ts and add correct entry in config.json.


Add config.json file in root directory with following content. You can use config-template.json as a starting point for your own config. (do not include comments in your config.json file)

  "title": "Pony Town",
  "discordLink": "<invite_code>", // optional
  "contactDiscord": "your_contact_discord#0000", // optional
  "twitterLink": "<twitter_name>", // optional
  "contactEmail": "<your_contact_email>",
  "port": 8090,
  "adminPort": 8091,
  "host": "http://localhost:8090/",
  "local": "localhost:8090",
  "adminLocal": "localhost:8091",
  "proxy": false, // set to true or to the ip of your proxy server if hosting pony town behind a proxy like nginx
  "secret": "<some_random_string_here>", // use a long and random string here, it's crucial for your security that nobody else knows this value
  "token": "<some_other_random_string_here>", // use a long and random string here, it's crucial for your security that nobody else knows this value
  "db": "mongodb://<username>:<password>@localhost:27017/<database_name>", // use values you used when setting up database
  "analytics": { // optional google analytics
    "trackingID": "<tracking_id>"
  "facebookAppId": "<facebook_id>", // optional facebook app link
  "assetsPath": "<path_to_graphics_assets>", // optional, for asset generation
  "season": "spring", // optional, defaults to spring; season for all servers, seasons are "spring", "summer", "autumn" and "winter"
  "holiday": "none", // optional, defaults to none; holiday for all servers, holidays are "none", "halloween", "christmas", "stpatricks" and "easter"
  "oauth": {
		"google": {
			"clientID": "<CLIENT_ID_HERE>",
			"clientSecret": "<CLIENT_SECRET_HERE>"
    // other oauth entries here
  "servers": [
      "id": "dev",
      "port": 8090,
      "path": "/s00/ws",
      "local": "localhost:8090",
      "name": "Dev server",
      "desc": "Development server",
      "season": "summer", // optional, defaults to summer, seasons are "spring", "summer", "autumn" and "winter"
      "holiday": "none", // optional, defaults to none, holidays are "none", "halloween", "christmas", "stpatricks" and "easter"
      "flag": "test", // optional flag ("test", "star" or space separated list of country flags)
      "flags": { // optional feature flags
        "test": true, // test server
        "editor": true, // in-game editor
      "alert": "18+", // optional 18+ alert (also blocks underage players)


You MUST provide unique, random values for the secret and token fields of your config. It is extremely dangerous to leave these as default, as these values serve as authentication tokens for internal APIs and session cookies.

To generate new values for these parameters, you can use the following command:

node -e "console.log(require('crypto').randomBytes(64).toString('base64'))"


Your first build has modified the Pony Town archive such that compiled game assets are no longer included. To compile the game assets for the first time, you must use the following command, which will generate the necessary spritesheets and corresponding data and run a full production build of the site:

npm run build-sprites
npm start

If you want to build sprites only (useful if you want to develop the project before deployment), you can use:

gulp sprites

Production environment

After your initial build (see above), you can use the following commands to generate a fresh production build of the site.

npm run build
npm start

This will not update spritesheets; for that, you must use npm run build-sprites as discussed previously, or run a development build with the --sprites flag.

Beta environment (with dev tools and in-development features)

npm run build-beta
node pony-town.js --login --admin --game --tools --beta

Starting as multiple processes

node pony-town.js --login                    # login server
node pony-town.js --game main                # game server 1 ('main' has to match id from config.json)
node pony-town.js --game safe                # game server 2 ('safe' has to match id from config.json)
node pony-town.js --admin --standaloneadmin  # admin server

For these to work on the same URL, paths to game servers and admin server need to be bound to correct ports, using http proxy.

It is recommended to run processes with larger memory pool for large user bases (especially admin and game processes), example:

node --max_old_space_size=8192 pony-town.js --game main

Recommended production server update procedure

  1. Build everything
  2. Issue a restart notice (from admin panel <base_url>/admin/)
  3. Wait around 30s
  4. Issue shutdown servers command (from admin panel <base_url>/admin/)
  5. Wait for the user count to become 0
  6. Restart the server

You do not need to shut down the server to build.

Running in development (compiles faster and has extra tools)

npm run ts-watch    # terminal 1
npm run wds         # terminal 2
gulp dev            # terminal 3
gulp test           # terminal 4 (optional)
gulp dev --sprites  # run with generation of sprite sheets (use src/ts/tools/trigger.txt to trigger sprite generation without restarting gulp)
gulp dev --test     # run with tests
gulp dev --coverage # run with tests and code coverage

Adding/removing roles

node cli.js --addrole <account_id> <role>   # roles: superadmin, admin, mod, dev
node cli.js --removerole <account_id> <role>

To setup superadmin role use following command

node cli.js --addrole <your_account_id> superadmin

Additional tools

Admin panel is accessible at <base_url>/admin/ (requires admin or superadmin role to access) Tools are accessible at <base_url>/tools/ (only available in dev mode or when started with --tools flag)


  • package.json - settings for title and description of the website
  • - your public updates
  • assets/images - logos and team avatars
  • public/images - additional logos
  • public - privacy policy and terms of service
  • favicons - icons
  • src/ts/common/constants.ts - global settings
  • src/ts/server/maps/* - maps configuration and setup
  • src/ts/server/start.ts - world setup
  • src/ts/components/services/audio.ts - adding/removing sound tracks
  • src/ts/client/credits - credits and contributors
  • src/style/partials/_variables.scss - page style configuration

Custom map introduction

  • src/ts/common/entities.ts - adding entities
  • src/ts/server/start.ts:35 - adding custom map to the world
  • src/ts/server/map/customMap.ts - commented introduction to customizing maps

Repo quirks and notes


Due to an issue with the build system, an old copy of src/ts/generated/sprites.ts is shipped with this repository. In order to prevent Git from seeing changes to this file from local builds and warning you about them when changing branches or pulling new changes, you can use the following command:

git update-index --assume-unchanged src/ts/generated/sprites.ts

Read more about it here.

Adding assets

  1. Edit sprites (assets-source folder)
  2. Compile sprites (gulp dev --sprites)
  3. Add relevant code
  4. (In some cases) compile sprites again


Pony.Town v0.55.2

  • Optimized server performance
  • Fixed various animation issues
  • Fixed issues with kiss animation while turning head
  • Added additional server performance stats to the admin panel
  • Changed the button on admin panel that removes old events from 10min to 1day

Pony.Town v0.55.0

  • Added Kiss action

  • Added being able to extinguish torches by sneezing

  • Fixed house tool instructions saying "use mouse wheel" on mobile

  • Fixed being able to open two actions menus in some cases

  • Fixed actions menu button getting disabled by closing actions menu with the Escape key

  • Fixed Yawn and Sneeze animations glitching with some eye styles

  • Fixed 🤔 expression being inconsistent with /thinking command

  • Fixed flying entities slowing down when flying over water

  • Fixed jack-o'-lantern not turning off during the day

  • Fixed some UI issues

  • Added combining of head and body animations in the Animation tool

  • Added flag to not allow closing mouths in Animation tool

  • Fixed issue with gif preview in Animation tool

  • Added a front leg frame

  • Added Save button in account settings automatically redirecting to Home for new accounts

  • Updated Help page to provide more workarounds for users who experience game showing black screen

  • Updated contributor list

Pony.Town v0.54.0

  • Added a separate logo file for Visit Pony Town button
  • Fixed users not being able to close actions menu in some cases
  • Fixed torch flames having wrong outlines in some cases
  • Fixed lights sometimes popping up through ponies
  • Fixed lights being visible through pony eyeshadows
  • Fixed lights of held items flickering for some users
  • Updated credits

Pony.Town v0.53.2

  • Added changes from Pony.Town update v0.53.2 (
  • Updated readme with further instructions on updating server and adding assets
  • Updated pony compression to handle up to 63 items per slot instead of 31
  • Added Visit PT button
  • Added disclaimer notice to Home and About
  • Updated licenses
  • Removed some unused assets
  • Updated Contributor list
  • Removed "Pony Town" from public pages

Pony.Town v0.53.1

  • Added option to import and export settings and actions on action bar
  • Added different colors of cushions for house customization
  • Fixed scroll wheel not working on Firefox
  • Fixed not being able to place items behind interactive items like boxes or barrels
  • Fixed issue with crystal light

Initial release - Pony.Town v0.53.0

  • Added custom servers


A Pony Town custom server



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