ThomasDev-de / jquery-bs-select-2-dropdown

Converts a select into a dropdown

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This package has been overhauled and has been revised here


Converts a select into a dropdown

table of contents


  • bootstrap >=5.0
  • jQuery 3.6


Download and include the script at the end of the body tag.

<script src="jquery.bsSelectDrop.js" type="text/javascript">

or install with composer and include the script at the end of the body tag.

composer require webcito/bs-select-drop:dev-main
<script src="/vendor/webcito/bs-select-drop/dist/jquery.bsSelectDrop.js" type="text/javascript">

Set global defaults

// multiple options
// single option
$.bsSelectDrop.setDefault(prop, val);
// get default options


All selects with the attribute [data-bs-toggle="select"] are initialized automatically.

<!-- Simple selection -->
<select name="countries">
  <option value="Germany">Deutschland</option>
  <option value="Poland">Polen</option>

<!-- Or multiselection -->
<select name="cities" multiple>
  <option value="1">Berlin rocks</option>
  <option value="2">New York</option>

<!-- Or with option groups -->
<select name="cities2" multiple>
    <optgroup label="Germany">
        <option value="1">Berlin</option>
        <option value="2">Munich</option>
    <optgroup label="USA">
        <option value="3">New York</option>
        <option value="4">San Francisco</option>
    <optgroup label="Spain">
        <option value="5">Barcelona</option>
        <option value="6">Madrid</option>



data-attribute example description
data-subtext <option data-subtext="Germany" value="1">Berlin</option> Adds a small additional text section
data-icon <option data-icon="fa-solid fa-city" value="1">Berlin</option> Adds an icon in front of the option. (e.g. a class from FontAwesome)


property type default desc
btnWidth string fit-content the css width of the dropdown button
btnEmptyText string Please select.. The text at no selection
btnClass string btn btn-outline-secondary The classes assigned to the dropdown button
dropUp bool false shows the menu above
dropStart bool false shows the menu on the left
dropEnd bool false shows the menu on the right
dropCenter bool false shows the menu centered
dropHeaderClass string secondary If option groups are present, the background class of the heading is set here.
search bool true adds a search function to the menu
darkMenu bool false shows the menu in darkstyle
menuPreHtml null/string null shows a text in the menu before the selection
menuAppendHtml null/string null shows the text in the menu after the selection
showSubtext bool true If this option is true, options have the data attribute data-subtext, the subtext will be displayed in the dropdown.
showActionMenu bool true If it is a multiple selection and this option is true, two buttons are displayed above the selection for faster selection.
showSelectionAsList bool true If it is a multiple selection, all selections should be listed below each other. If the value is false, it will show how much was selected.
showSelectedText function (selectedItems, totalItems) => {} If it is a multiple selection and the selected elements are greater than 1, this function is called. This function is ignored if the showSelectionAsList option is true.
deselectAllText string Deselect All If showActionMenu is true, the language of the two buttons can be set here.
selectAllText string Select All If showActionMenu is true, the language of the two buttons can be set here.
dropDownListHeight number 300 Height of the dropdown list.
selectIconClass string `` Class used to style the select icon.
selectIcon string `` Icon used for selection (i.e )
debug bool false If true then outputs debug messages to the console.
dropDownItemClass string `` Class used to stype the drop-down item. Add and .active style to override the Bootstrap active styling
searchPlaceholder string Search.. "Placeholder for search input box*


Methods are called as follows

$('select').bsSelectDrop('method', param);


Opens the dropdown



Closes the dropdown



Changes the value of the select

$('select').bsSelectDrop('val', 1);


Changes the options of the dropdown.

$('select').bsSelectDrop('updateOptions', {
  buttonClass: 'btn btn-danger',


Rebuild the dropdown. This is useful if the options are changed via Javascript.



Deletes the dropdown and restores the original select.



event type Description Fires immediately when the hide instance method has been called. Fired when the dropdown has finished being hidden from the user and CSS transitions have completed. Fires immediately when the show instance method is called. Fired when the dropdown has been made visible to the user and CSS transitions have completed. Fires when the refresh method has been invoked. Fires when the method val has been called. Fires when the method updateOptions was called. Fires when the destroy method has been activated.


Converts a select into a dropdown

License:MIT License