Thermadiag / seq

The seq library is a collection of original C++14 STL-like containers and related tools

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The seq library is a collection of original C++14 STL-like containers and related tools.

seq library does not try to reimplement already existing container classes present in other libraries like folly, abseil, boost and (of course) std. Instead, it provides new features (or a combination of features) that are usually not present in other libraries. Some low level API like bits manipulation or hashing functions are not new, but must be defined to keep the seq library self dependent.

Among other things (see modules below), the seq library defines several container classes as alternatives to STL containers or providing features not present in the STL. These containers generally adhere to the properties of STL containers (in C++17 version), though there are often some associated API differences and/or implementation details which differ from the standard library.

The seq containers are not necessarly drop-in replacement for their STL counterparts as they usually provide different iterator/reference statibility rules or different exception guarantees.

Currently, the containers module provide 5 types of containers:

  • Sequential random-access containers:
    • seq::devector: double ended vector that can be optimized for front operations, back operations or both. Similar interface to std::deque.
    • seq::tiered_vector: tiered vector implementation optimized for fast insertion and deletion in the middle. Similar interface to std::deque.
    • seq::cvector: vector-like class storing its values in a compressed way to reduce program memory footprint. Similar interface to std::vector.
  • Sequential stable non random-access container: seq::sequence, fast stable list-like container.
  • Sorted containers:
    • seq::flat_set : flat set container similar to boost::flat_set but based on seq::tiered_vector and providing fast insertion/deletion of single elements.
    • seq::flat_map: associative version of seq::flat_set.
    • seq::flat_multiset: similar to seq::flat_set but supporting duplicate keys.
    • seq::flat_multimap: similar to seq::flat_map but supporting duplicate keys.
    • seq::radix_set : radix based sorted container with a similar interface to std::set. Provides very fast lookup.
    • seq::radix_map: associative version of seq::radix_set.
  • Hash tables:
    • seq::ordered_set: Ordered robin-hood hash table with backward shift deletion. Drop-in replacement for std::unordered_set (except for the bucket interface) with iterator/reference stability, and additional features (see class documentation).
    • seq::ordered_map: associative version of seq::ordered_set.
    • seq::radix_hash_set: radix based hash table with a similar interface to std::unordered_set. Uses incremental rehash, no memory peak.
    • seq::radix_hash_map: associative version of seq::radix_hash_set.
    • seq::concurrent_map and seq::concurrent_set: higly scalable concurrent hash tables.
  • Strings:
    • seq::tiny_string: string-like class with configurable Small String Optimization and tiny memory footprint. Makes most string containers faster.


The library is divided in 6 small modules:

  • bits: low-level bits manipulation utilities
  • hash: tiny hashing framework
  • charconv: fast arithmetic to/from string conversion
  • format: fast and type safe formatting tools
  • containers: main module, collection of original containers: double ended vector, tiered-vector, ordered hash map, flat map based on tiered-vector, compressed vector...
  • any: type-erasing polymorphic object wrapper used to build heterogeneous containers, including hash tables and sorted containers.

A cmake project is provided for installation and compilation of tests/benchmarks.

Why C++14 ?

For now the seq library is developped and maintained in order to remain compatible with C++14 only compilers. While C++17 and C++20 are now widely supported by the main compilers (namely msvc, gcc and clang), I often have to work on constrained and old environments (mostly on Linux) where the compiler cannot be upgraded. At least they (almost) all support C++14.

For instance, the charconv and format modules were developped because C++11 only compilers do not provide similar functionalities. They still provide their own specifities for more recent compilers.

seq library was tested with gcc/10.1.0, gcc/13.2.0 (Windows, mingw), gcc/8.4.0 (Linux), gcc/6.4.0 (Linux), msvc/19.29 (Windows), ClangCL/12.0.0 (Windows).


seq library is a small collection of self dependant components. There is no restriction on internal dependencies, and a seq component can use any number of other components. For instance, almost all modules rely on the bits one.

All classes and functions are defined in the seq namespace, and names are lower case with underscore separators, much like the STL. Macro names are upper case and start with the SEQ_ prefix.

The directory structure is flat and use the "stuttering" scheme seq/seq used by many other libraries like boost. Including a file has the following syntax: #include <seq/tiered_vector.hpp>

The seq/tests subdirectory includes tests for all components, usually named test_modulename.cpp, and rely on CTest (shipped with CMake). The tests try to cover as much features as possible, but bugs might still be present. Do not hesitate to contact me if you discover something unusual. The seq/benchs subdirectory includes benchmarks for some components, usually named bench_modulename.cpp, and rely on CTest. The benchmarks are performed against other libraries that are provided in the 'benchs' folder.


The seq library requires compilation using cmake, but you can still use it without compilation by using -DHEADER_ONLY=ON. Even in header-only mode, you should use the cmake file for installation.

Currently, the following options are provided:

  • SEQ_ENABLE_AVX2(ON): enable AVX2 support, usefull (but not mandatory) for seq::radix_(map/set/hash_map/hash_set) as well as seq::cvector
  • SEQ_BUILD_TESTS(OFF): build all tests
  • SEQ_BUILD_BENCHS(OFF): build all benchmarks
  • SEQ_TEST_CVECTOR(ON): if building tests, add the seq::cvector class tests
  • SEQ_BUILD_SHARED(ON): build the shared version of seq library
  • SEQ_BUILD_STATIC(ON): build the static version of seq library

Note that for msvc build, AVX2 support is enabled by default. You should call cmake with -DSEQ_ENABLE_AVX2=OFF to disable it.

Using Seq library with CMake

This cmake example shows how to use the seq library within a cmake project. It creates 3 targets using the shared seq library, the static one, and the header only mode.


The only library dependency is pdqsort from Orson Peters. The header pdqsort.hpp is included within the seq library. seq library also uses a modified version LZ4 that could be used with cvector class. Finaly, seq library uses a simplified version of the komihash hash function for its hashing framework.

Benchmarks (in seq/benchs) compare the performances of the seq library with other great libraries that I use in personnal or professional projects:

  • plf: used for the plf::colony container,
  • gtl: used for its gtl::btree_set and gtl::parallel_flat_hash_map,
  • boost: used for boost::flat_set, boost::unordered_flat_set and boost::concurrent_flat_map,
  • unordered_dense: used for ankerl::unordered_dense::set,
  • TBB: used for tbb::concurrent_unordered_map and tbb::concurrent_hash_map.

Some of these libraries are included in the seq/benchs folder.

seq:: library and this page Copyright (c) 2023, Victor Moncada


The seq library is a collection of original C++14 STL-like containers and related tools

License:MIT License


Language:C++ 99.8%Language:CMake 0.1%Language:Python 0.1%