Theramy / Class8-Week4-File-I-O-Exception-Handling

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Letters for each line

Write a Python program to create a file where all letters of English alphabet(uppercase and lowercase both) are listed by specified number of letters on each line.

Question 2

Write a Python program to generate 26 text files named A.txt, B.txt, and so on up to Z.txt.


As a user, I want to use a program which can calculate the least common multiple (L.C.M.) of four numbers. So that I can find the least common multiple (L.C.M.) of my inputs.

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Ask user to enter the four numbers.
  • Use try/except blocks to verify input entries and warn the user for Nan or non numerical inputs.
  • Calculate the least common multiple (L.C.M.) of four numbers
  • Use gcd function in module of math

4- Mis Calculator

As a user, I want to use a program which can calculate basic mathematical operations. So that I can add, subtract, multiply or divide my inputs.

Acceptance Criteria:

  • The calculator must support the Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division operations.
  • Define four functions in four files for each of them, with two float numbers as parameters.
  • To calculate the answer, use math.ceil()  and get the next integer value greater than the result
  • Create a menu using the print command with the respective options and take an input choice from the user.
  • Using if/elif statements for cases and call the appropriate functions.
  • Use try/except blocks to verify input entries and warn the user for incorrect inputs.
  • Ask user if calculate numbers again. To implement this, take the input from user Y or N.



Language:Python 100.0%