TheolZacharopoulos / TW-Trains

TW Trains

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Problem Definition

The local commuter railroad services a number of towns in Kiwiland. Because of monetary concerns, all of the tracks are 'one-way.' That is, a route from Kaitaia to Invercargill does not imply the existence of a route from Invercargill to Kaitaia. In fact, even if both of these routes do happen to exist, they are distinct and are not necessarily the same totalDistance!

The purpose of this problem is to help the railroad provide its customers with information about the routes. In particular, you will compute the totalDistance along a certain route, the number of different routes between two towns, and the shortest route between two towns.


A directed graph where a node represents a town and an edge represents a route between two towns. The weighting of the edge represents the distance between the two towns. A given route will never appear more than once, and for a given route, the starting and ending town will not be the same town


For test input 1 through 5, if no such route exists, output 'NO SUCH ROUTE'. Otherwise, follow the route as given; do not make any extra stops!
For example, the first problem means to start at city A, then travel directly to city B (a distance of 5), then directly to city C (a distance of 4).

Run Information

The project uses maven for build tool.

Test project

Use maven to run the tests of the project:

$ mvn test

Build project

In order to build it you can just got to the tw-trains directory and:

$ mvn clean install

Run project

During the packaging phase maven create a jar file which can be used as an executable.

In order to run the application just:

$ java -jar trains.jar <land> <railway map filename> <queries filename>

The program arguments:

  • land: the name of the land that is represented on the map.
  • railway map filename: the file name which describes the trains map.
  • queries filename: the file name which describes the queries on the map.

Sample Input

Railway Map:

AB5, BC4, CD8, DC8, DE6, AD5, CE2, EB3, AE7


The distance of the route A-B-C.
The distance of the route A-D.
The distance of the route A-D-C.
The distance of the route A-E-B-C-D.
The distance of the route A-E-D.
The number of trips starting at C and ending at C with a maximum of 3 stops.  In the sample data below, there are two such trips: C-D-C (2 stops). and C-E-B-C (3 stops).
The number of trips starting at A and ending at C with exactly 4 stops.  In the sample data below, there are three such trips: A to C (via B,C,D); A to C (via D,C,D); and A to C (via D,E,B).
The length of the shortest route (in terms of distance to travel) from A to C.
The length of the shortest route (in terms of distance to travel) from B to B.
The number of different routes from C to C with a distance of less than 30.  In the sample data, the trips are: CDC, CEBC, CEBCDC, CDCEBC, CDEBC, CEBCEBC, CEBCEBCEBC.

Expected Output

Output #1: 9
Output #2: 5
Output #3: 13
Output #4: 22
Output #5: NO SUCH ROUTE
Output #6: 2
Output #7: 3
Output #8: 9
Output #9: 9
Output #10: 7

Implementation Details

The project has been implemented in Java 8 and it is being used a completely Test Driven Development approach. Both code and design are a result of TDD while the testing framework have been used is JUnit 4.


First, the program parses both the map definition and the queries as given above. A common Parser interface is used for parsing both.

More specifically, an abstract GraphParser defines the correct types for paring a graph, while a CharGraphParser implements the logic of building a graph as the ones given in the example (with Characters as vertices).

Furthermore, an abstract QueriesParser defines the correct types for parsing a query, while the abstract RailwayQueryParser implements the logic of building a set of queries such as the ones in the example. Additionally, the concrete CharRailwayQueryParser implementation if defined for Character based graphs.


The basic functionalities of a graph are described by the Graph interface. The generic type on its definition declares the type of the vertices that are included on the Graph, e.g. on our case is Character.

The AdjacencyMapGraph provides an implementation of the Graph interface using an adjacency map data structure. However, this implementation is a undirected graph implementation and we need for this problem a directed graph. The definition of a directed graph is given in AdjacencyMapDirectedGraph which is just an extension of the previous.

Graph Algorithms

There are 3 different algorithms that are needed to answers the questions, one to count paths, one to count the distance of a route and one to find the shortest distance between two vertices.

The algorithms are plug-able in the code. First, there is a very abstract interface GraphAlgorithm, which is more as a marking interface. Then, there are 3 different interfaces for each algorithmic problem that is needed: CountPathsAlgorithm, RouteDistanceAlgorithm and ShortestPathAlgorithm respectively.

By using the GraphAlgorithmProvider class a client can request an algorithm for each problem by asking with its name. There is one algorithm implementation for each interface above: DFSCountPathsAlgorithm, GreedyRouteDistanceAlgorithm and DijkstraShortestPathAlgorithm.


The queries are constructed as a simple command pattern. The Query interface defines an executable query, then there is a query for each question that can be asked: NumOfRoutesQuery, RouteDistanceQuery and ShortestRouteQuery.

Each one of these queries accepts an algorithm implementation on their creation, this way the client can choose which algorithm each query can use like a strategy. The QueryParser os responsible of creating each of these queries depending on the instructions given like a factory.

Moreover, the QueryExecutor interface defines a mechanism to execute queries. On this problem, RailwayQueryExecutor has been used in order to load the queries instructions, then use the RailwayQueryParser to create the queries and then executing then one by one and provide the result to a Consumer on the client.


The RailwayMap object contains a name of the map (e.g. Kiwiland) and a graph that represents the map structure, where vertices are towns and edges are routes from town to town with their weight representing the distance.

A simple usage of the above can be seen bellow:

// Read the input from files, map and queries
final String mapDescription = FileUtils.readFileContents(mapFilename);
final List<String> queryInstructions = FileUtils.readFileContentsLineByLine(queriesFilename);

// Create and parse the graph
final Graph<Character> graph = new AdjacencyMapDirectedGraph<>();
(new CharGraphParser(graph)).parse(mapDescription);

// Create a map with Character type for the vertices
final RailwayMap<Character> railwayMap = new RailwayMap<>(landName, graph);

// Parse the queries
final RailwayQueryParser<Character> queryParser = new CharRailwayQueryParser(railwayMap);
final QueryExecutor<Integer> queryExecutor = new RailwayQueryExecutor<>(queryParser);

// Execute the queries
queryExecutor.executeAll(result -> {
    if (result.isPresent()) {
        System.out.println("Output: " + result.get());
    } else {
        System.out.println("NO SUCH ROUTE.");

Further Improvements

Some improvement can be:

  • Get error messages from files, in order to have different languages.
  • More advanced query parser (use an existing parser solution).
  • Full Doxygen documentation.


Author: Alex Theologos Zacharopoulos



TW Trains


Language:Java 100.0%