TheTrueTrident / Resource-Packs

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

All of the resources needed to play on Serider Minigames are compiled into easily sharable .zip files, for quick updates and quicker implementation.

If you have already read this, move over here!


Want to help us translate the resource packs into a language that you know? We Have a GitLocalize page here that you can use to easily translate the resource packs.

Confused by the %s symbol? It's just a magic symbol that allows us to put specific data into the translation.

Can't see the language that you want to translate to on the list? Create a new issue or contact us on Discord.

How To Use

Already know how to use GitHub? Move to the next section.

To upload resources to the repository, there are a few Git clients that you can use:

  • GitHub Desktop
    • This is the easiest tool to interract with github repositories.
  • Tortoise Git
    • On-desktop alternative that doesn't have a GUI, for more experienced users.
  • Git
    • Not actually a client, but useful if you are a nerd who likes using terminals.

Other Git clients can be found here.

To get started, create a new fork (a new version of the repository for yourself) and clone the fork to your computer.

How To Help

If you are uploading textures for a specific artstyle, put them in the correct path in the jappa, classic or other artstyle specific folders.

If you are uploading shared resources, such as translation files, sound files or any other shared resources, put them in the correct path in the shared folder.

To figure out what the correct path for your files is, check the layout of the main branch, reference how minecraft's assets are organized, or ask Heapons or Soumeh.

After uploading your resources, make sure to commit your changes, push the changes to GitHub and create a pull request.

If you need any help, contact Heapons or Soumeh.

  • shared
    • Shared Assets (Fonts, Models, Sounds, Etc.)
  • jappa
    • JAPPA's Artstyle
  • classic
    • Pre-1.13 Artstyle
  • add-ons
    • Vanilla Tweaks/Enhancements (JAPPA's Artstyle)

Want to add your own artstyle? Put any of your textures inside of a new folder named after the style.

Written by Soumeh, prettified by Heapons, pimped out by Soumeh.


License:Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal