This is a Advanced Google Dorker and Vulnerability Scanner This could get you huge lists of vulnerable websites
This Script is Only For Educational Purposes or Super Dorker is a Tool which finds the list of website according to your given GOOGLE dork. This can be used for Finding SQLi , XSS , LFI/RFI Vulnerable Websites.
Each page of generated dorks contains about 10 Websites. So if you type 1 page it gives 10 websites , 2 page gives 20 websites, etc.
Website Vulnerablity Scanner Scans only For SQLi Vulnerablity. It will Soon Be Updated To Scan For Other Vulnerabilities. Keep Supporting ME ;-)
-Any Linux Terminal
-Packages Like curl python2 figlet toilet installed
For Linuxsudo apt-get curl python2 figlet toilet
For Termux Packages Will Automatically Get Installed !!!
-Knowledge Of Dorking
To USE the script type the following commands
git clone
cd SDorker
chmod +x SDork
Now the Script Will Execute..
It is Only For Educational Purposes. Neither I Say Nor I Promote To Hack Sites Without Owners Consent.
Only works on python2
For Any Queries:
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