TheRinger / python27-multithreading-amazon-price-spider

A spider written in Python 2.7 that uses multi threading to traverse and gather prices of specific products.

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''' Python Multi Threading Example Using the threading module to create a multi threaded, url spider that uses queue to syncronize the threads. To scan amazon for price updates. on Ubuntu Linux OS '''

Prerequisites: 1.Python 2.7 2. threading module (Introduced post Python 2.4)

Note: Multi-threading bugs in Python are hard to reproduce, mainly because thread execution is done differently each time the Python program is run. (see nondeterministic).

Note:Multi-threading with Python is most efficent on low CPU based I/O operations(sending or receiving data). Anything super CPU intensive will not benefit from multi-threading and more so will perform worse than a single thread.

Note: Threads are not processes. (Threads are lightweight and share resources.)

Note: To avoid errors when multiple threads share resources they need to be "aquire" a lock the resource or say "I'm using this resource right now, no one else use it". Once a thread is done using a resource you have to "release" the resource lock to make it available to the rest of the program.

Note: Using Queues in Python in multithreaded Python applications is considered best practice as locking is handled automatically by the queue,safer with a more readable design pattern.

Start: 1.Define a new class inheriting from threading.Thread. 2.Override the init(self [,args]) method to add additional arguements that your thread may use.(A queue for instance) 3.Override the run(self [,args]) method to implement what the thread should do when started.(Read a webpage)

TODO: ADD refine readme and add either amazon or ebay support so I can tell what products are selling for what price and when.


A spider written in Python 2.7 that uses multi threading to traverse and gather prices of specific products.