TheNightmanCodeth / rAndroid_Appstore

r/Android appstore for apps made by redditors!

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


r/Android appstore for apps made by redditors!

Over at the mods have asked the community to write them a appstore. In the event that they don't want to manage the team themselves, I'll gladly do it. This repo will serve as the purpose to gather a team, and in turn, write the app. In the event that the r/Android mods wish to manage this project themseleves, I will transfer this repo to them.

##If you are interested in contributing, untill the mods set up a more organized form, please send a PR and add your reddit username to this list, and at the least, I will make sure they are aware of it and who wants to help!

  • /u/Multimoon
  • /u/danster3
  • /u/plays2


r/Android appstore for apps made by redditors!