TheKeyholdingCompany / level-up-dev

A guide to help TKC employees level up their developer skills

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Level up your programming knowledge

πŸ‘‹ Intro

So you want to learn how to code? Great! That could mean a hundred different things, from changing career paths, to adding some automation to your current job, to making a snazzy dashboard for your team. The good news is that this is a living, adaptable guide that can change with your feedback and what you want to learn. Even better, you have the power to change and edit it too (but we'll get to that later).

This isn't a guide that will hold your hand step by step, there are a thousand places on the internet that can do that better. This guide will give an explanation of a concept (and how that might relate to us), some links to go and read more about it, then a piece of 'homework' for you to exercise your new found knowledge. If you'd like help around a cetain topic, let us know and we can add it.

🀝 Help

You don't just learn by following online guides though! Sometimes something might just not click, or some pesky code you've written just won't compile. Take a visit over to #level-up-dev on our Slack where our resident devs can help you with anything you need a hand with. No question too big or small. You can learn from us, and we can learn what to write in this guide!

Further help is also available at:

πŸš€ Getting started

Do you have a text editor on your computer? Then you're already there! Our developers use Visual Studio Code as their editor of choice as it has a lot of features geared towards writing code.

Create a new file and write:

  <h1>My first website</h1>
  <p>Woop woop</p>

Save as index.html then drag it on top of your web browser of choice (e.g. Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Safari). Congrats, you've made your very first website. Easy peas. Now it's time to get learning!

πŸ‘£ Dev Paths

If you're just getting started, we recommend picking Web, starting from the top and working your way down.

Have a project in mind?

Chat to us about it and we'll give you some pointers on which path to take, what tutorials you could do, etc.

Web (Javascript/HTML/CSS)

Things like Google, Monday, Instagram, Excel are web applications or have web versions. Further still, you can use web technologies to create desktop and mobile applications. Teams, for example, is built using web technologies and then bundled with an in-built browser so you are none the wiser!

If you want to make your own personal website or create the next multibillion webapp

Start with these modules. They may look childish (they're for kids!) but that makes them very accessible for someone who's never done any web development before.

  1. Module 1
  2. Module 2
  3. Building a project - Talk to us!
  4. Git todo
  5. More Javascript todo
  6. React todo

Data & Machine Learning (Python)

Python is super popular nowadays thanks to the data science community. It is an easy language to learn (looks like english, promise!) and it's used a lot for data processing and machine learning. It's also used a lot within the web space for backends.

  1. Introduction
  2. More
  3. Git todo
  4. Building a project - Talk to us!
  5. Machine Learning - Getting started todo

Games? (C++/Unreal)




A guide to help TKC employees level up their developer skills


Language:JavaScript 100.0%