TheHelias / sandbox-definitions

Data Product Definitions for IOXIO Sandbox Nexus

Repository from Github https://github.comTheHelias/sandbox-definitionsRepository from Github https://github.comTheHelias/sandbox-definitions

IOXIO® Dataspace Sandbox Definitions

This repository contains Data Product definitions for the IOXIO® Dataspace Sandbox and contains plenty of example definitions. When setting up definitions for a new dataspace you should rather use the definitions-template than fork this repository.

Specification for describing data product definitions can be found in ./DataProducts/

Please note that this repository is under active development, and all the definitions are subjects to change at any time.

To view these definitions in a more human readable format instead of the raw technical format in this repository, you can check these resources:

Repo structure

  • ./src - Definition sources in python format
  • ./DataProducts - Final Definitions as OpenAPI 3.0 specs
  • .github/workflows - Pre-configured CI workflows for validating and converting definitions from sources

Getting started

Please check the Contribution guidelines to learn how to submit new data product definitions in this repo.

Test version of definitions

Everyone can submit to this repo whatever definitions they seem appropriate. It will allow to create data products using these definitions in IOXIO Dataspace Sandbox and experiment with the system. In order to do this:

  1. Fork this repository
  2. Create your definitions under src/test/<your_github_username>/ if you're familiar with Python approach, or directly under DataProducts/test/<your_github_username> if you know what you're doing
  3. Submit a PR and wait for CI Workflow to run and validate the changes
  4. Once PR is merged, it's possible to use the definitions in IOXIO Dataspace Sandbox

Python sources

Each python file located in the src folder is treated as a Data Product definition.

For example, src/AirQuality/ defines AirQuality/Current data product.

These files are then converted to OpenAPI 3.0 specs, which are final forms of definitions. To make the converter work correctly, each file must follow the same structure:

from pydantic import Field

from converter import CamelCaseModel, DataProductDefinition

class Request(CamelCaseModel):

class Response(CamelCaseModel):

DEFINITION = DataProductDefinition(

Considering CamelCaseModel is a subclass of pydantic's BaseModel, it's better to understand how to use this library. Please read pydantic's documentation if you're not familiar with it yet.

Each data product definition represented as python file must define a DEFINITION variable which is an instance of DataProductDefinition class.

DataProductDefinition is a structure consisting of:

  • summary

    Summary used in top of OpenAPI spec

  • description

    Data product description, used in top of OpenAPI spec (defaults to the summary if not provided)

  • request

    pydantic model describing body of POST request

  • response

    pydantic model describing expected response from data source

  • route_summary

    Summary for the POST route

  • route_description

    Description for the POST route (defaults to the summary if not provided)

  • requires_authorization

    Marks the Authorization header as required

  • requires_consent

    Marks the X-Consent-Token header as required


There's an example of Data Product Definition for current weather:

from pydantic import Field

from converter import CamelCaseModel, DataProductDefinition

class CurrentWeatherMetricRequest(CamelCaseModel):
    lat: float = Field(
        description="The latitude coordinate of the desired location",
    lon: float = Field(
        description="The longitude coordinate of the desired location",

class CurrentWeatherMetricResponse(CamelCaseModel):
    humidity: float = Field(..., title="Current relative air humidity in %", example=72)
    pressure: float = Field(..., title="Current air pressure in hPa", example=1007)
    rain: bool = Field(
        ..., title="Rain status", description="If it's currently raining or not."
    temp: float = Field(
        ..., title="Current temperature in Celsius", example=17.3, ge=-273.15
    wind_speed: float = Field(..., title="Current wind speed in m/s", example=2.1, ge=0)
    wind_direction: float = Field(
        title="Current wind direction in meteorological wind direction degrees",

DEFINITION = DataProductDefinition(
    description="Data Product for current weather with metric units",
    route_description="Current weather in metric units",
    summary="Current Weather (Metric)",

Guides and help

Written guide for how to create data definitions

You can also check out our YouTube tutorial:

Defining Data Products for the IOXIO® Dataspace technology

Also join our IOXIO Community Slack


Data Product Definitions for IOXIO Sandbox Nexus

License:MIT License


Language:Python 99.2%Language:JavaScript 0.8%