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FabriComm website, generated from Markdown files

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FabriComm Site

Source files used to generate The Fabric Community's site.

The site is generated using a set of templates, which are filled with content rendered from a set of Markdown and HTML files. This process is handled by a custom static site generator.

Working with the site

In order to make working with the site easier, a number of scripts have been provided. They come in two formats - batch (.bat) scripts for Windows users and bash (.sh) scripts for everyone else - and you can run them in your terminal of choice.

The static site generator requires that you have Java 8 or later installed.

  • build - Build the site, generating a copy in the build folder.
  • build-assets - Build the CSS and JS, generating a copy in the respective site/static folders - this requires node and npm to be installed.
  • download - Download (or update) the static site generator. This is run automatically by the build script if SSG.jar is not present. If the scripts aren't working, you'll probably need to delete SSG.jar or just run this script yourself.
  • serve - Spin up a simple webserver on localhost to serve the site after you've built it. This will not build it automatically - run the build script whenever you need to do that. Press CTRL + C at any point to stop the server.

As a writer

If you'd simply like to contribute a document or tutorial (or edit one that exists), you can create Markdown files within the site folder. All Markdown files should have the .md or .md.peb file extension (the latter should be used for Markdown files that contain Pebble templates, but this is optional).

The site is divided into a number of sections, each with its own navigation. Sections are represented by sub-folders in the site folder, aside from the static folder (which contains static assets). This helps to keep things organised, with different sets of documents kept separately from each other.

The following Markdown extensions are enabled:

Front matter

All Markdown files must start with a front matter block. Front matter blocks contain metadata about the current document in YAML format, placed within two sets of triple-dashes (---). For example:

title: My Document Title template: fabric/tutorial


- My Name


Document content here

Front matter may contain the following:

  • Required: title - The document's title, displayed on the site.
  • Optional: template - If your document uses a template other than the default then you can specify it here, without the .html.peb extension. Template names are relative to the templates folder - for example, templates/fabric/tutorial.html.peb becomes fabric/tutorial.
  • Optional: authors - For tutorials and other contributed documents, a list of authors may be provided. This should be a simple list of names, and should not contain any HTML.


Each section, as well as the site root, may contain a navigation.yml file. This file defines how the section's navigation should be structured. It consists of a set of navigation nodes, with their own properties. For example:

  - type: "node"
    title: "One"
    path: "/one"
    icon: "far fa-globe"
  - type: "spacer"

  - type: "node"
    title: "Two"
    path: "/two"
    icon: "fas fa-arrow-right"

      - type: "node"
        title: "Three"
        path: "/two/three"
        icon: "fas fa-pen"

Two types of node are supported:

  • type: node denotes a standard navigation node, which may have children.
  • type: spacer denotes a spacer, used to break up the navigation list. Spacers may optionally have a title, but they have no other properties.

For node-typed nodes, each has the following properties:

  • Required: icon - The name of a font-awesome icon (including pro icons) to use for this navigation node.
  • Required: path - The absolute path of the document this node should take you to when clicked. This may be the path to a document, a static file (in /static), or a full URL (eg If you're referring to a document in the current section, you should always use an absolute path that matches the url.
  • Required: title - The name of the navigation node that's shown on the site.
  • Optional: children - Other nodes that should be placed within this node.
  • Optional: description - A short description describing where this node points at.

Conventions and tips

When writing for the site, please take note of the following:

  • All filenames should use lowered-kebab-case. For example, instead of or, use We also recommend avoiding the use of non-alphanumeric characters so that filenames will match their URLs - so that's letters, numbers, and the dash (-) symbol.
  • You must have the rights to all code examples you use in your contributions. This is because all code contributed to our documentation is licensed under the Creative Commons Zero License, which effectively makes it public domain. If you have concerns about this policy, please contact one of the admins on Discord or raise an issue.
  • If you need to add images for your documents, they should similarly be placed within the static/images folder, and referred to using an absolute path - for example, ![alt text](/static/images/path-to-file.png). In order to keep things organised, images should be placed within folders that match the path of the document they're used in, where possible - for example, if your document is in site/fabric/tutorials/ then your images should be in static/images/fabric/tutorials/my-tutorial/.
  • We recommend that everyone writing documents and articles for the site makes use of LanguageTool. This will help to ensure a uniform (and correct) grammatical style throughout the site. While we don't plan on enforcing usage of this tool (and have no way to do so), we may run contributions through it to check for grammatical and spelling errors.


All Markdown files are also Pebble templates. For the most part, this is unlikely to be useful to most writers - but the capability is there if it's needed.

Working with templates is described in the As a designer section below. However, Markdown files have access to an additional variable, meta, which contains the metadata that was defined within the front matter at the top of the file. However, note that Markdown files with unsupported metadata in the front matter will fail to parse, so you can't add any extra data to the front matter.

As a designer

As well as the documents and articles that make up the majority of the site's contents, this repository contains the plain HTML and assets that are used to structure and style the site. Thus, as a designer, you are able to work in the following ways:

  • Using plain HTML (.html) or Pebble-templated HTML (.html.peb) files in the site folder, which will be rendered as part of the site's contents similarly to the Markdown-format files.

  • By writing Pebble templates to be used by other documents and files in the site folder, which you can place in .html.peb files in the templates folder. Templates should follow the same lower-kebab-case naming convention as the documents, as described above.

  • By working with static assets, which are stored in the static folder. By convention:

    • All CSS files should be placed in static/css.
    • All images should be placed in static/images.
    • All JavaScript scripts should be placed in static/js.

Note: Templates in the site/ folder are temporarily written to templates/temp.html.peb during rendering. This allows them to reference other templates, as if they themselves were placed in the templates/ folder.


As mentioned before, the static site generator makes use of Pebble templates. These allow for re-use of HTML, which helps to keep the repository clean and easy to understand.

The following variables are available to all Pebble templates, including in Markdown files:

  • navigation - a Navigation Root object, containing the following properties:
    • currentPath - A string representing the path to the current file.
    • nodes - A list of navigation Node objects, with the following properties:
      • type - A string denoting the node type. If this is "spacer", the node is a spacer (and may have a nullable title property). Otherwise, "node" denotes normal navigation nodes, with a full set of properties.
      • icon - The name of the icon to use for this navigation node.
      • path - A string representing the path to navigate to, which may be a URL.
      • title - The name to display on the page.
      • children - A set of Node objects which should be placed under this one.

If a section (or the site root) doesn't have a navigation.yml, then nodes will be an empty list.

The following variables are available to Pebble templates within the templates folder only:

  • body - The HTML rendered from a Markdown document. If the current document was not a Markdown document, this will explicitly be null. As a result, we recommend wrapping usages in a block named content, which may be replaced by other Pebble templates.

The following variables are available to Markdown document templates within the site folder only:

  • meta - A FrontMatter object representing this document's front matter, containing the title, nullable template and authors properties.


This repository (and the site itself) is dual-licensed. For more information, please read the file.


FabriComm website, generated from Markdown files



Language:JavaScript 91.6%Language:SCSS 5.3%Language:CSS 2.0%Language:Batchfile 0.5%Language:Shell 0.5%