TheDigitalNinja / GraphDB-Workshop1

Let script setting up a Neo4j GraphDB from an existing SQL DB.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



Web Views

  • Adminer: Navigate to localhost:8080, set server as mariadb, user as root, and password as example
  • Neo4j: Navigate to localhost:7474


In this guide we are going to instantiate a pre-populated mysql database and then migrate that data to a Neo4j graph database.

When docker-compose brings up the docker instances it will populate the mysql data based on sql_import/movies.sql and the Neo4j data will persist in data/databases. If you wish to clear out the Neo4j data simple shut down the containers with docker-compose down and then delete the data/databases directory.


After cloning the repo we will bring the containers all online.

docker-compose up -d

SQL to Graph

Export the SQL tables using the output_csv.sql file.

docker-compose run mariadb sh -c "mysql -uroot -pexample movies -h mariadb < /data/output_csv.sql"

Import the CSV using CQL (cypher query language).

docker-compose run neo4j sh -c "neo4j-shell -c < /data/import_csv.cql"


docker-compose run neo4j bash

cat /data/import_csv.cql | bin/cypher-shell -u neo4j -p neo4j --format plain

cat /data/import_csv.cql | bin/cypher-shell --format plain


Let script setting up a Neo4j GraphDB from an existing SQL DB.


Language:TSQL 100.0%