TheCruZ / Remote-Process-Function-Call-With-C-Sharp

Call a remote 32 bits process function with C#

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This project only work with 32bits for now Maybe some bugs could happens because i did a directly byte / assembly translation

This is an example app but you can use directly the class RemoteMethod in your projects

Remote Method Docs

First you need to instance the class with the target process Id

    RemoteMethod aRemoteMethod = new RemotheMethod(pid);

Now you need to allocate the memory to write the call to the function This only need to be done on the first time for the call

    object[] r = aRemoteMethod.allocateCall();
    if (!(bool)r[0])
        MessageBox.Show((string)r[1], "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

the object[] returned contains on index 0 a boolean with the status true or false and at index 1 the error/success message

To set the function address:

    aRemoteMethod.functionAddr = (IntPtr)0x0C30D020;

The params for the function can be only numbers (it includes boolean because is 1 or 0)


You can set some register before the call with:

    aRemoteMethod.registerEAX = 0x20202020;
    aRemoteMethod.writeEAX = true;

And finally call the function with

    r = aRemoteMethod.Call();
    if (!(bool)r[0])
        MessageBox.Show((string)r[1], "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
        MessageBox.Show((string)r[1], "Success", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);


clearCall method are not implemented in the lastest version!



Call a remote 32 bits process function with C#


Language:C# 100.0%