TheButtskie / vsco-memories

Webpage displaying in gallery or portrait mode all of a user's VSCO images

Home Page:

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


viewable on:

Finished Features:

  • A single page of images (no scrolling)
  • A grid and portait viewing style
  • Set the interval between images
  • Loop through a user's images
  • Randomly show a user's images

Things to do (Bugs + Features):

  • adjust grid and portrait view [breakpoints]
  • search bar bugs? [make sure it works + clears userinfo?]
  • enhance settings asthetics
  • fix if user wants to edit settings while previewing ~ currently won't update system
Ideas (not in the pipeline)
  • add waiting during video clips (allow clips to fully play)
  • add support for collections + journals?
  • animations for images appearing > requires additional time delay
  • gif summary support to your timeline?
  • add time slider to only select certain subset of images to look at (highcharts) (noUiSlider)


Webpage displaying in gallery or portrait mode all of a user's VSCO images

License:BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License


Language:CSS 38.7%Language:HTML 38.4%Language:JavaScript 22.9%