TheBlupper / linineq

Functions for solving linear inequalities in integers

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Linear inequality solver contains functions for solving linear inequalities in integers. It utilizes methods outlined here on pages 80-81. It combines lattice reduction and linear programming to first reduce the problem to a simpler one and then solve it.

Solver functions

All $\le$ denote component-wise comparison.

  • solve_eq_ineq(M, Mineq, b, bineq) solves $\mathbf{Mx} = \mathbf{b}$ and $\mathbf{M_{ineq}x} \ge \mathbf{b_{ineq}}$. This is the most general form of the problem.

  • solve_ineq(Mineq, bineq) solves $\mathbf{M_{ineq}x} \ge \mathbf{b_{ineq}}$

  • solve_bounded(M, b, lb, ub) solves $\mathbf{Mx} = \mathbf{b}$ and $\mathbf{lb} \le \mathbf{x} \le \mathbf{ub}$.

  • solve_bounded_mod(M, b, lb, ub, N) solves $\mathbf{Mx} \equiv \mathbf{b}\ (\bmod{\ N})$ and $\mathbf{lb} \le \mathbf{x} \le \mathbf{ub}$.

  • solve_bounded_lcg(a, b, m, lb, ub) solves for $n$ consecutive outputs $\mathbf{s}=(s_0, s_1, ..., s_{n-1})$ of the LCG given by $s_{i+1} \equiv a s_i + b \pmod{m}$ where $\mathbf{lb} \le \mathbf{s} \le \mathbf{ub}$.

  • solve_truncated_lcg(a, b, m, ys, ntrunc) solves for $n$ consecutive outputs $\mathbf{s}=(s_0, s_1, ..., s_{n-1})$ of the LCG given by $s_{i+1} \equiv a s_i + b \pmod{m}$ where $(\mathbf{s}>>\mathrm{ntrunc}) = \mathbf{ys}$

Each of these methods has a _gen variant (e.g solve_bounded_gen) which returns a generator instead of a single solution. This generator will yield all solutions which are findable for a given lp_bound parameter.

Keyword arguments:

  • solver (default ORTOOLS) is one of ORTOOLS or PPL and decides which integer programming solver to use. ortools is faster and usually preferred, but as it only supports 64-bit numbers it is sometimes insufficient. In those cases PPL is used automatically. If you are enumerating solutions using a _gen function together with PPL then a Python implementation of branch-and-bound will be used with PPL as a subroutine. This has no size-restrictions but can be relatively slow.

  • lp_bound (default 100) is an internal restriction on the size of the unknowns for the linear programming step, and is currently only used by ortools. This does not correspond to the size of the solutions you will find, rather the size of the coefficients a lattice-reduced matrix is multiplied by. You can often get by with surprisingly small values for lp_bound (e.g. 5).

    If you're unsure what to set lp_bound to you can call set_verbose(1) before solving an instance. It will then log what internal coefficients where used to find that solution. These will be <= lp_bound and >= -lp_bound.

  • reduce (default LLL) is a function which will be used to reduce a lattice basis. If you want to specify paremeters to use you can use partial (imported from functools): solve_bounded(..., reduce=partial(BKZ, block_size=20)). The passed function should accept the same parameters as predefined ones.

  • cvp (default kannan_cvp) is function which will be used to solve the (approximate) closest vector problem. If you want to specify paremeters to use you can use partial (imported from functools): solve_bounded(..., cvp=partial(fplll_cvp, prec=4096)). The passed function should accept the same parameters as the predefined ones.

  • kernel_algo (default None) is a string which is passed to the algorithm parameter of Matrix_integer_dense.right_kernel_matrix(). If None a heuristic is used, if you notice freezing while computing the kernel try switching between 'pari' and 'flint'.

Lattice reduction algorithms

  • BKZ(M) returns the BKZ reduction of $\mathbf{M}$.

  • flatter(M, path='flatter') returns a the result of running flatter on $\mathbf{M}$. This requires flatter to be installed and in PATH, or you can specify the path to the executable with the path argument.

  • LLL(M) returns the LLL reduction of $\mathbf{M}$. This is just a wrapper around M.LLL() and is only here for consistency.

Each of these accept the following keyword arguments:

  • transformation (default False) is a boolean which indicates if the function should instead return the tuple $(\mathbf{L}, \mathbf{R})$ where $\mathbf{L}$ is the reduced lattice basis and $\mathbf{R M} = \mathbf{L}$.


Neither BKZ (if nrows > ncols) nor flatter provide a transformation matrix themselves, it is calculated after the fact and this can be slow for large matrices. Use set_verbose(1) and look for if it freezes on computing smith normal form...

CVP solvers

  • kannan_cvp(B, t) (alias cvp()) finds an approximate closest vector to $\mathbf{t}$ in the lattice $\mathbf{B}$ using the Kannan embedding. This uses lattice reduction so the reduce argument is relevant even if is_reduced=True.

  • babai_cvp(B, t) finds an approximate closest vector to $\mathbf{t}$ in the lattice $\mathbf{B}$ using Babai's closest plane algorithm.

  • rounding_cvp(B, t) finds an approximate closest vector to $\mathbf{t}$ in the lattice $\mathbf{B}$ using Babai's rounding-off algorithm.

  • fplll_cvp(B, t, prec=4096) finds an approximate closest vector to $\mathbf{t}$ in the lattice $\mathbf{B}$ using fplll's MatGSO.babai() method.

Each of these accept the following keyword arguments:

  • reduce (default LLL) is a function which will be used to reduce the lattice basis, see reduce above.

  • is_reduced (default False) indicates if the given lattice basis is already reduced, else it will be done internally using reduce.

  • coords (default False) if True a tuple $(\mathbf{u}, \mathbf{v})$ will instead be returned where $\mathbf{u} = \mathbf{v B}$ and $\mathbf{u}$ is the closest (approximate) vector to $\mathbf{t}$.


You will need Sage, and you can optionally pip install ortools which allows for enumerating solutions and is often faster than ppl (which comes bundled with Sage).

Then either

  • pip install git+

  • Type load('') in Sage

  • Or manually download


Functions for solving linear inequalities in integers


Language:Python 100.0%