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Gold language

Gold is a programmable configuration language. Using Gold, you can produce JSON-like data structures using familiar programming concepts. It is inspired by Dhall, but it is less rigidly typed and therefore more flexible.

When a Gold file is evaluated, it produces a JSON-like value:

  • an atomic type like a number (integer or double), string, boolean or null
  • a composite type like a list or an object
  • a function

Functions are the only non-JSON data type that Gold can produce. Although functions are primarily intended to assist in the production of more complicated or oft-repeated configuration structures, applications may still treat functions as a first-class configuration value.

All Gold objects are immutable and non-self-referential. Without exception, unchanged Gold files always evaluate to the same values (assuming imported files have not been changed), and the evaluation of a Gold script may not have side effects. The Gold language does not have statements, only expressions.

Basic data types

The basic data types in Gold are integers:


floating-point numbers (treated as double-precision):


strings, which are double-quoted:

"with typical escape sequences: \n, \b, \f, \r, \t, \\ and \""
"as well as unicode: \u1bef"

as well as null and the two booleans true and false.


Lists are formed, as in JSON, using square brackets:

[1, 2, 3]

There's no requirement that a list be homogeneous, so this also works:

["a", -1, true]

Unlike JSON, a trailing comma is acceptable in Gold. This applies not only for lists, but all list-like syntactical structures:

[1, 2, 3,]

It is recommended to use a trailing comma when a list goes over multiple lines:



Gold's object notation will be familiar to Javascript programmers:

    number: 1,
    string: "alpha",
    list: [2, 3, 4],

Object keys are treated as literal values, not as variables.


To bind objects to names, use the structure:

let name = expr
let othername = otherexpr
in finalexpr

The bindings name and othername are visible in the expression finalexpr. For example:

let x = 1
let y = 2
in x + y  # => 3

Moreover, later bindings may make use of earlier bindings:

let x = 1
let y = x + 1  # => 2
let z = y + 1  # => 3
in x + y + z   # => 6

The bindings produced by a let-expression vanish after the final expression (after in) is evaluated, and they are not visible anywhere else.

String interpolation

Gold allows string interpolation using the syntax ${...}, with arbitrary expressions allowed inside the curly braces:

let x = 1
let y = 2
in "the sum of ${x} and ${y} is ${x+y}"

The value of the expression is stringified using the str() function (see below), which admits all basic data types (numbers, booleans, null and other strings), but not lists, objects or functions.

String interpolation can be suppressed by escaping the dollar sign:

"this \${string} is not interpolated"


Gold has an if-then-else structure:

let cond = true
in if cond then "yes" else "no"         # => "yes"

Because this must produce a value in all cases (it is an expression, not a statement), it is not possible to omit the else branch.

In Gold, only false and null are treated as falsy values. Everything else is truthy, including zero!


You may use typical indexing syntax to extract values from lists and objects:

let mylist = [1, 2, 3]
let myobj = {a: 1, b: 2, c: 3}
in [mylist[0], myobj["c"]]          # => [1, 3]

Objects support the more familiar dot-based syntax as well:

let mylist = [1, 2, 3]
let myobj = {a: 1, b: 2, c: 3}
in [mylist[0], myobj.c]             # => [1, 3]


Functions are defined using the syntax:

(param1, param2, ...) => expression

Functions in Gold are always anonymous, and must be called immediately or bound to a name to have an effect, e.g.:

let add = (x, y) => x + y
in add(1, 2)                    # => 3


((x, y) => x + y)(1, 2)         # => 3

Functions may take any number of parameters (including none at all) and form closures non-local names, for example:

let make_adder = (x) => (y) => x + y
let adder = make_adder(3)
let x = 4
in adder(5)             # => 8

The value of x referred to by the return value of the make_adder function is untainted by the later binding of x.

Functions may take positional as well as keyword parameters. Positional and keyword parameters are separated by a semicolon:

(x; y) => x + y

Keyword arguments are provided similary to object notation, so the previously defined function may be called as such:

let add = (x; y) => x + y
in add(1, y: 2)         # => 3

but not in either of these ways:

add(1, 2)               # => error
add(x: 1, y: 2)         # => error

Functions which only accept keyword arguments can be defined with the alternative syntax:

{x, y, z} => x + y + z

rather than the slightly ugly (although perfectly legal):

(; x, y, z) => x + y + z

Arithmetic and other operators

Gold supports standard arithmetical and logical operators, listed here in order of precedence:

  • ^ for exponentiation (whose result is always a floating point number)
  • *, /, // for multiplication, true division and integer division
  • +, - for addition and subtraction
  • <, > <=, >= for inequality comparison
  • ==, != for equality comparison
  • and for logical conjunction
  • or for logical disjunction

The logical operators are, of course, short-circuiting, although in a language without side effects this is just a performance benefit rather than a semantic requirement.

In addition, Gold has a single unary prefix operator

  • - for unary negation
  • not for logical negation

The power operator binds tighter than unary operators on the right, but not on the left, so that -2^2 evaluates to -4. In every other case, postfix operators (indexing and function calls) bind tighter than prefix operators, which in turn bind tighter than binary operators.

All binary operators associate to the left, except for the power operator, which associates to the right.


Gold supports advanced destructuring in let-bindings. For example, the following works:

let mylist = [1, 2, 3]
let [a, b, c] = mylist
in a + b + c        # => 6

It is also possible to destructure objects:

let myobj = {a: 1, b: 2, c: 3}
let {a, b, c} = myobj
in a + b + c        # => 6

When destructuring objects, it's possible to differentiate between the name of a key and the name of the binding:

let myobj = {a: 1, b: 2, c: 3}
let {a: x, b: y, c: z} = myobj
in x + y + z        # => 6

For both list and object destructuring, it's possible to provide default values:

let mylist = [1, 2]
let [a, b, c = 3] = mylist
in a + b + c        # => 6

let myobj = {a: 1, b: 2}
let {a, b, c = 3} = myobj
in a + b + c        # => 6

You can always use the ellipsis syntax to "slurp" remaining values in both lists and objects:

let mylist = [1, 2, 3, 4]
let [_, ...x] = mylist
in x                # => [2, 3, 4]

let myobj = {a: 1, b: 2, c: 3}
let {a, ...x} = myobj
in x                # => {b: 2, c: 3}

Destructuring a list that is too long will result in an error. If this is intended, you may use an anonymous slurp:

let mylist = [1, 2, 3, 4]
let [x, ...] = mylist
in x                # => 1

let mylist = [1, 2, 3, 4]
let [x] = mylist    # => error

No such requirements exist for objects, however: the presence of key-value pairs on the right which are not captured on the left is not a problem.

Naturally, destructuring patterns may be arbitrarily deep:

let myobj = {a: [{b: [{c: 1}]}]}
let {a: [{b: [{c}]}]} = myobj
in c                # => 1

Destructuring in functions

Syntactically, the positional and keyword parameters in function definitions are equivalent to list and object destructuring expressions, respectively. This means that all the syntax discussed above works there too. In particular, default values are possible:

let add = (x, y = 2) => x + y
in add(1)           # => 3

let add = (; x = 1, y = 2) => x + y
in add()            # => 3

You can also slurp positional and keyword arguments:

let test = (...args; ...kwargs) = [args, kwargs]
in test(1, 2, x: 3)     # => [[1, 2], {x: 3}]

And you may splat them when calling:

let test = (...args; ...kwargs) = [args, kwargs]
let args = [1, 2]
let kwargs = {x: 3}
in test(...args, ...kwargs)     # => [[1, 2], {x: 3}]

Advanced collections

Inspired by Dart, Gold supports a handful of syntactical structures that facilitate easy building of complicated lists and objects.

Elements can be made conditional (known in Dart as collection if):

let buildlist = (x) => [1, if x > 3: x, 3]
in buildlist(4)         # => [1, 4, 3]


in buildlist(2)         # => [1, 3]

Moreover, elements can be produced in a loop (known in Dart as collection for):

# This function does the same thing as the built-in range(n)
let buildlist = (n) => [for x in range(n): x]
in buildlist(2)         # => [0, 1]

However, the previous example could also be written using splat syntax, which is the inverse of slurping in destructuring expressions:

let buildlist = (n) => [...range(n)]
in buildlist(2)         # => [0, 1]

All the above structures work equivalently in objects, excepting that keys must be provided:

let buildobj = (x) => {a: 1, if x > 3: x: x, c: 3}
in buildobj(4)          # => {a: 1, x: 4, c: 3}

You can use the built-in items function to produce an object like this:

let buildobj = (list) => {for [key, val] in list: key: val}
in buildobj([["a", 1], ["b", 2]])

However, this example will not work properly, because the key: val structure uses key as a literal key, not as a reference to the bound name. You can use $ syntax instead, to obtain the desired result:

let buildobj = (list) => {for [key, val] in list: $key: val}
in buildobj([["a", 1], ["b", 2]])       # => {a: 1, b: 2}

This is a handy utility to build objects with dynamically defined keys. Just be aware that, while other languages may allow you to use non-string keys in a hash map, Gold does not:

let x = 1
in {$x: 1}          # => error

Built-in functions

Gold provides the following built-in functions:

  • int(x) - convert its argument to an integer
  • bool(x) - convert its argument to a boolean (as per branching rules)
  • str(x) - convert its argument to a string
  • float(x) - convert its argument to a floating point number
  • len(x) - return the number of items in a list or object
  • range(n) - return the list of integers from zero up to (and not including) n
  • map(f, x) - return the list [for y in x: f(y)]
  • filter(f, x) - return the list [for y in x: if f(y): y]
  • items(x) - return a list of key-value pairs of the object x
  • exp(x, base=e) - raise base to the power x
  • log(x, base=e) - take the logarithm of x in base base
  • ord(x) - return the ASCII index of the only character in the string x
  • chr(x) - return a single-character string from the integer ASCII code x
  • isint(x) - return true if x is an integer
  • isstr(x) - return true if x is a string
  • isnull(x) - return true if x is null
  • isbool(x) - return true if x is a boolean
  • isfloat(x) - return true if x is a floating-point number
  • isobject(x) - return true if x is an object
  • islist(x) - return true if x is a list
  • isfunc(x) - return true if x is a function
  • import(x) - see below

Importing libraries

You can write Gold code and data that can be imported in other files. The function import takes a single argument: a path to a file (relative to the file currently being loaded) which will be evaluated. Its result will then be returned as the return value from the import function.

This can be used to write libraries of functions, e.g. assume this is the contents of the file

    add: (x, y) => x + y,

The function add can be used from another file like this:

let mylib = import("")
in mylib.add(1, 2)

or, more idiomatically, like this:

let {add} = import("")
in add(1, 2)

Of course, there is no requirement that a file must evaluate to an object. For the single function add, this would work just as well:

(x, y) => x + y

# other file
let add = import("")
in add(1, 2)

# or this
import("")(1, 2)

In spite of this, libraries of functions should generally be written as objects.


Gold functions form a closure over non-local names when they are defined, and they do so before they themselves are bound to a name. It is therefore impossible to define a recursive function like you would normally do it, e.g.:

let factorial = (n) => if n > 0 then n * factorial(n-1) else 1
in factorial(4)

Indeed, this closure would be self-referential, and Gold is unable to define self-referential structures.

This would cause an error indicating that the name factorial is unbound.

It is possible to do recursion by providing a function with itself as an argument:

let factorial(f, n) => if n > 0 then n * f(f, n-1) else 1
in factorial(factorial, 4)              # => 24

This slightly unwieldy interface can be fixed using a helper function:

let factorial = (n) => (
    let inner = (f, n) => if n > 0 then n * f(f, n-1) else 1
    in inner(inner, n)

in factorial(4)                         # => 24



Language:C++ 96.1%Language:CMake 3.9%