TheAhmadOsman / BestCarDeal

:moneybag: Scraping, Visualizing, and Analyzing 1,700,000 Entries of Used Cars for Sale on Craigslist to Find The Best Car Deal :car:

Home Page:

Repository from Github https://github.comTheAhmadOsman/BestCarDealRepository from Github https://github.comTheAhmadOsman/BestCarDeal

Scraping, Visualizing, and Analyzing 1,700,000 Entries of Used Cars for Sale on Craigslist to Find The Best Car Deal

Full descriptive explanation and analysis of the project can be found at

Buying a car is never an easy task, especially when buying a used one. So many different factors go into determining the price of a vehicle that it’s difficult to accurately predict what one should be paying. Aside from this there are some parts of the country where used car sales are few and far between and the prices are not so desirable. Using our scraped dataset of 1,700,000 entries of used car for sales from craigslist, we aimed to clarify some of these unknown variables and provide an easier experience for those searching for a car. Our goal was not to simply create static visualizations that compared cars from winter 2018, but instead we aim to create an application of sorts that allows users to continuously update the vehicles in their search.

Repo Projects and Folders

There are five projects/folders in this repository. Each has its own purpose yet should be examined and executed in ascending numerical order. Each folder has its own README descriptive file. Feel free to explore them in order to understand the purposes, usage, and execution mechanism. Also, a full descriptive explanation and analysis of the project can be found at 💰 Best Car Deal 🚗 .

  1. Dataset

  2. Craigslist Scraper

    Scraping Vehicles for Sale from Craiglist

  3. Interactive Web App

    Interactive Web App for Cars Sales Visualizations

  4. Geographical Context Scripts

    Collecting Geographical Context for Each Vehicle Entry

  5. Weather Scripts

    Collecting Weather Context for Each Vehicle Entry based on Geographical Context

  6. Explortation and Analysis Notebook

    Analyzing Cars Sales to Find The Best Car Deal

Feel free to clone this repository or its related repositories and to explore the projects.


:moneybag: Scraping, Visualizing, and Analyzing 1,700,000 Entries of Used Cars for Sale on Craigslist to Find The Best Car Deal :car:


Language:HTML 92.7%Language:Jupyter Notebook 7.0%Language:Python 0.3%Language:CSS 0.0%