The64thGamer / Faz-Anim

Faz-Anim is a Five Nights at Freddy's Fangame using the RR-Engine for simulation.

Home Page:

Repository from Github https://github.comThe64thGamer/Faz-AnimRepository from Github https://github.comThe64thGamer/Faz-Anim

Faz-Anim is a Five Nights at Freddy's Fangame using the RR-Engine for simulation.


The RR Engine is a Unity codebase for simulating and animating old animatronics, with various features to customize the viewing experience.

The sofware is split into two major sections. The Editor Mode allows users to maticulously look and edit animation files, while giving a variety of analysis options. The Game Mode provides a first person view of the animatronic stages, allowing the user more customizablity in the presentation, while also giving simplified controls. The Game Mode also has features to unlock special items as rewards for animating the simulated animatronics. This is usually stage props or movable animatronics, allowing the player to create a fully custom stage or layout to host their animations.


  • The 64th Gamer (Codebase)
  • Himitsu (Improved simulation effeciency)

The RR Engine and its creator should be credited in any derivative works.


A set of plugins are required for building properly, and are not included within the public codebase.


Faz-Anim is a Five Nights at Freddy's Fangame using the RR-Engine for simulation.

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:C# 87.6%Language:ShaderLab 10.5%Language:HLSL 1.8%