The-Old-Castle-Defense / docs

Open-sourced Documentation/Whitepaper of The Old Castle Defense(TOCD) - Community-Driven GameFi Staking Infrastructure controlled by all people around the globe - decentralized. Feel free to contribute and let's get all users play. If you don't know how earn yet - We will teach you. Read about DRS protocol.

Home Page:

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Variables, tags, and documentation markup rules


  • {blockchain}: The name of Blockchain;
  • {block_explorer}: The link to block explorer of the blockchain;
  • {bps}: The number of blocks per second in the current blockchain;
  • {token}: The Treasury token on Blockchain
  • {battle_duration}: Time until the start of the next battle in the current blockchain;
  • {transactions}: The link to a transaction of a decentralized referral system in the current blockchain;
  • {knights_market_link}: The link to the marketplace with Knights NFTs;
  • {creatures_market_link}: The link to the marketplace with Creatures NFTs;
  • {bank_address}: The address with treasury pool.

Editing the main documentation page

The data from the main documentation page is stored in the "docs Menu.json" file. The "" in front of the file name indicates that this page does not need to be specified in the navigation

Tags and rules

A separate block of text

Each separate block of text must be marked with a

tag, skipping the line after the opening tag. Example:


Hello, world!

Information cards

To highlight information that requires special attention, the "card_info" or "card_warning" tag is used. Example:

This is additional information or a hint.
This is information that requires special attention

Adding Images

All images must be stored in a folder along the path: ".gitbook/assets/i_am_here.png" For an image that is suitable only for a specific blockchain, it is required to specify the name of the blockchain and the token's treasury through the "_" symbol.

Example of the image name:

i_am_here_Beam Mainnet_BEAM.png

Example of embedding an image:

<img src="/assets/docs/.gitbook/assets/i_am_here_{blockchain}_{token}.png" alt="">

Embedded links

<a href="" target="_blanc" class="doc-link">example</a>


<MathFormula formula="RevCost=LVL+1"/>,  
* **RevCost**: the cost of reviving in ${token};  
* **LVL**: the level of NFT at the time of death.  


To comply with the required order of articles and sections, it is required to specify an additional block with a number at the beginning of the document

 order: 2  


To add a button leading to another document, you need to specify a block:

<a href="investors" 


Open-sourced Documentation/Whitepaper of The Old Castle Defense(TOCD) - Community-Driven GameFi Staking Infrastructure controlled by all people around the globe - decentralized. Feel free to contribute and let's get all users play. If you don't know how earn yet - We will teach you. Read about DRS protocol.

License:MIT License