Because I am preparing for the exam, and the ags would have breaking change one day. So my dotfiles there will be no major changes in the near future.
- migrate from wttr to open-meteo
- corner mask
- config.json with async
- Overvies OSD
- notification system to replace swaync
- system tweak(e.g. volume) osd
- system information
- arch update use tte to add animation
Type | Package |
Widget | Orchis theme |
Icon | Tela Icon Theme |
Cursor | Bibata Cursor |
Type | Package |
Chinese | Noto Sans CJK (TC) |
Monospaced Font | FiraCode Nerd Font |
Refer to .config/aconfmgr
Type | Package | Remark |
Window manager | hyprland | Plugin: Hyprspace |
Widget | ags | |
Lockscreen | hyprlock | |
Idle | hypridle | |
Boot manager | refind | |
Maintain | aconfmgr |
Aylur/ags#454 Aylur/ags#392 Aylur/ags#496
Aylur/ags#397 Aylur/ags#450 Hyproverview close with wrong padding when layer hide