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What, Why and How is Laravel.

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What is Framework ?

In general - A framework is a structure that forms a support or frame for something.

You can now apply this definition in software engineering and refer to software frameworks as the structure for your software.

A software framework is a structure that you can use to build software. It acts as a foundation so you don't have to deal with creating unnecessary extra logic from scratch.

A framework is similar to a template in that you can modify it and add certain features and higher functionalities to create a complex and broad project that many people can use.

Why Use Software Frameworks ?

Writing code is complex. And writing code that others can understand and manage is even more difficult because you must deal with syntax, declarations, performance, staying consistent, and other issues.

Software frameworks provide a template in which almost all general tasks have been handled. This allows you to focus on the core software development rather than the details of the process. Given that there is a set structure, it is simple to collaborate with others.

It's a good idea to use a software framework rather than re-inventing the wheel from scratch for numerous reasons. And perhaps the most important reason is that you won't have to write everything from scratch. This reduces the possibility of adding errors to your code.

Other reasons to use a framework include:

  • It helps you avoid duplicate and redundant code.
  • It makes it easier for developers who did not write the code to test and debug it.
  • Frameworks are maintained by a group of people who test them so that you can use them with confidence.
  • They help you write clean and secure code
  • The time required to develop an application is significantly reduced because you can now focus on writing project-specific code.

What is Laravel ?

Laravel is an open-source web MVC framework for PHP. Laravel is a robust framework that provides easy development of PHP web applications with features like a modular packaging system with a dedicated dependency manager, access to relational databases, and other utilities for application deployment and maintenance.

Steps To Install and use laravel

  1. Installation of PHP local server (i.e XAMPP).
  2. Installation of php package manager Composer.
  3. Installation of global laravel via composer.
    composer global require laravel/installer
  4. Create a new project in xampp/htdocs
    laravel new project_name
  5. Change directory to newly created project and run the following command to make your project live on localhost.
    php artisan serve


What, Why and How is Laravel.