ThatSINEWAVE / YetAnotherWeatherAPP

Yes, this is yet another weather site. I was bored so i made this.

Home Page:

Repository from Github https://github.comThatSINEWAVE/YetAnotherWeatherAPPRepository from Github https://github.comThatSINEWAVE/YetAnotherWeatherAPP

Welcome to Yet Another Weather App! Because, you know, the world definitely needs another one of these. This is a simple weather application built out of sheer boredom. It fetches weather data from the Open Meteo API based on user-provided location information and displays it in a minimalistic UI. Nothing groundbreaking here, just another addition to the millions of weather apps out there.



  • Location Input: Enter the desired location (city, country) to check the weather.
  • Current Weather Display: Shows the current temperature and wind speed.
  • Dark Mode: Toggle between light and dark themes for your viewing pleasure.
  • Hosted on GitHub Pages: Accessible anywhere, anytime.

How to Use

  1. Simply enter the desired location in the input field.
  2. Click the "Check" button to retrieve weather information.
  3. Enjoy the weather data displayed on your screen.

How to Use

  1. Simply enter the desired location in the input field.
  2. Click the "Check" button to retrieve weather information.
  3. Enjoy the weather data displayed on your screen.


Contributions are welcome! If you have any ideas for improvement or want to fix a bug, feel free to fork the repository, make your changes, and submit a pull request.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.