Tharun Abraham Aju (TharunAA123)


Geek Repo






Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Tharun Abraham Aju's repositories


Blue Bank is a fictional bank in USA that has a loan department which is currently understaffed. They supply loans to individuals and don’t have much reporting on how risky these borrowers are. Using Pandas and NumPy in Python the initial loan JSON file is cleansed. Initial analysis is also done using Matplotlib, and a CSV file comprising cleansed



DiscountMart is a Tableau Dashboard for a hypermarket chain, displaying valuable business insights.



InsurePlus is a tool which determines show long an examiner has until they are required to use the Reserving Tool; and if they are already past their due date, how many days they have been overdue. This is done for all the claims assigned to all the Claim Specialists using the Reserve Tool in an insurance organisation.



LoungPal, is a software which helps potential travelers to navigate with ease inside buzzling terminals of an airport. LoungPal has an interactive UI, comprising Login and Sign-up options, a section to choose the start and end points of the journey inside the airport terminal and a main section which houses the dynamic airport map. Once the user is logged in, he/she can search the path from a location, where the user is standing, to the location where he/she intends to go. The user can give the nearest service that is visible as the “source” location and give the service that he/she wishes to utilize in the “destination” location. The application will guide the user to the location that he/she intends to go by showing the path in the terminal map, as per the path stored in the application database. This is done by highlighting the relevant cells of the grid that is embedded into the map.
